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This is a question Karma

Sue Denham writes, "I once slipped out of work two hours early without the boss noticing. In my hurry to make the most of this petty victory, I knocked myself out on the car door and spent the rest of the day semi-conscious, bowking rich brown vomit over my one and only suit."

Have you been visited by the forces of Karma, or watched it happen to other people?

Thanks to Pooflake for the suggestion

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:24)
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My boyfriend and I had quit smoking for our New Years Resolutions last year and in Jan we stayed in a nice hotel in Leeds after a night out. When booking I proudly asked for a `Non Smoking’ room.

On the evening we went out and we had a great night but we weakened our resolve and had a few ciggies. We went on to a club and were naughty and took some class A drugs. Upon returning back to our hotel room we were deperate for ciggies due to our drug taking and I went ahead and lit one.

My boyfriend said it was probably not a good idea and that we should go into the bathroom where it was more ventilated.

In my chilled out of state of mind I declined and I asked him `what’s the worst that could happen?’……….No sooner had the words left my lips when we heard the loudest, scariest sounding fire alarm that I have ever come across!

I jumped out of bed, put out the fag and paced the room waiting for security to come up. I had visions of us having to evacuate the hotel and been glared at by hundreds of freezing cold guests that had been evacuated at 3am. I had googly eyes from the drugs and would have been in no position to deny anything.

Luckily for me (and I thank my lucky stars to this day), the alarm stopped and all went quiet. I reckon the guys at reception saw us come in fucked up and let it go.

I have NEVER, EVER smoked in a non-smoking room since and no longer take class A drugs.

Lesson learned!
(, Fri 22 Feb 2008, 17:07, 1 reply)
Yeah right!
We believe you....
(, Fri 22 Feb 2008, 17:51, closed)

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