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This is a question When were you last really scared?

We'd been watching the Shining. We were staying in an old church building. In hindsight, taking the shortcut home after midnight, in the mist, through the old graveyard was a bad idea.

I'm not sure what started it, but suddenly all the hairs on my neck had gone up and I was crapping myself. It was almost as bad as when, after a few cups of coffee too many and buzzing on caffeine, I got freaked out by my own reflection in the toilets.

When were you last really scared?

(, Thu 22 Feb 2007, 15:43)
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Me and two housemates smoked a couple, (which probably didn't help) then I went for a piss, and when I came back Hostel had been put on. Now if I'd seen the warning signs, like the blood near the start, or even the picture on the box, then I might have been either ready to watch it, or veto'd straight away. As it was, I settled back down and let it start to seep into my eyes. From what I could tell by half way through, it was panning out like a cross between Shameless and Road Trip, rude, funny and full of awesome boobies. (Seriously, that girl in the sauna is probably the hottest person alive.)

Then torture happened. TV immediately turned off. We aren't ready for bed and there is nothing else on, so for a while we seriously consider just re-watching the first half again.

However, someone mentioned a story they'd heard of a mates little (14) sister going to see something else, something girly no doubt, at the cinema, but 'accidently' being given a ticket for Hostel. It is decided that if a girl that young can watch it all the way through on a screen that big, three early 20's blokes should be able to watch it in the comfort of our own livingroom.

I wish we hadn't, I dreamed of torture and only torture that night.

Anne frank - yes, clowns! Unfortunately, I also hate mimes. So what happens last time I went to barcalona - I get singled out and followed by a fucking mime-clown. I shit you not. I tried to remain composed, but in the end I had to shout at him, very loud, making rather an embarrasing scene. Better than having to be in its presence for another moment mind.
(, Sun 25 Feb 2007, 17:55, Reply)

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