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This is a question Scars with history

You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".

Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.

(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
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Southern Hungarian fire regulations - non-existent.
At a fancy dress party in southern Hungary, I impressed the locals no end with my inventive arm-flapping dance. Actually, my Grim Reaper costume was on fire and I was trying to simultaneously beat out the flames and tear it off.

I'd set it aflame by leaning against a wall while worriedly contemplating the venue's breathtaking flouting of all known fire regulations.

Drunken students were crowded to the point of suffocation into a tiny basement club with one entrance/exit, thoughtfuly situated at the top of an open spiral staircase.
Hundreds of lit candles were placed around, including the one busily igniting my back.

Slight scarring to one hand, too trivial to photograph, reminds me of this ironic injury. Could have been much, much worse, and not just for me.
(, Sat 5 Feb 2005, 19:12, Reply)

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