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This is a question Schadenfreude

There's nothing like administering first aid to cyclist who has just spanged into the back of a milk float when you have tears of laughter running down your face. The world is just one long episode of You've Been Framed - when have you laughed at the misfortune of others?

Suggested by althechristmasgeordie

(, Thu 17 Dec 2009, 12:05)
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I think I've met that tit- or his American cousin!
I lived on a street used by local police for speed traps. It was a lovely suburban boulevard with four wide lanes divided by a broad planted area. I went to the store one morn and saw they'd set up a trap at the usual bend. Right, I thought, remember to drive home very slowly. Drove past the school and to the grocer's.

Finished shopping, left the car park. Some bright boy, obviously new to the area and most likely from the nearby base, decided to pass several cars, zoom up on my bumper, swerve around me and zoom off. He immediately got stuck on the usual slow down area near the school and I calmly passed him. He barely waited for my car to pass before pulling out behind me, and it was quite annoying to see him changing lanes back and forth trying to get past. My evil teenage mind was already plotting.. "Don't make me do it," I thought.

Another neighborhood veteran and I traveled nearly side-by-side, at normal speed, me, carefully keeping the bright boy behind us. Before the bend of doom, I timed it so I slipped back just enough to give him an opening, and do you think he took it?

Of course he did, speeding off and leaving us in his dust! As I came around the bend, I had a good chuckle as I saw the bright boy pulled over, and the cop pulling out his ticket book.

I might have felt bad, but -- oh who am I kidding, it felt glorious! Damn karma, I laughed!
(, Sun 20 Dec 2009, 10:57, Reply)

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