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This is a question School Days

"The best years of our lives," somebody lied. Tell us the funniest thing that ever happened at school.

(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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Oh, another one..
In year 9 and 10 (Form 3 and 4? Around 15 years old, anyway..) I was part of the school debating team. Mainly because I like to argue, and got out of all kinds of other school work to do it. Once a month one of the English teachers used to drive us to another town about 2 hours from where I'm from (Ballarat, in Western Victoria, if anyone is interested..) to compete against a bunch of other schools in debates. She was a terrible driver, so sitting in this shitty old mini-bus the school owned driving home at around midnight was always a bit scary.
She'd always sit on about 80 (kilometers, not miles..), so plenty of cars would be overtaking us and giving angry looks if they happened to get stuck behind us through a no-overtaking zone. One such car got the pleasure of seeing four 15 year-old's bare asses pressed up against the back window of the bus (Mrs P was totally oblivious - concentrating on the road, since she was practically blind..).
Things began to get really funny when the car overtook us, and was subsequently pulled over by a police car. Things got absolutely hilarious when WE were pulled over by the same police car a few minutes later! The police came on to the bus and asked everyone if we had been mooning cars. Of course we all said no, and they were fairly easily convinced - I think they were expecting a football team or something, not a secondary school debate team..
We were all questioned by the principal the next day at school, and although they just fucking knew we had done it, there wasn't much they could do..
Hmm.. reading back it doesn't sound that funny anymore. Trust me though - mooning people is ALWAYS funny..
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 16:39, Reply)

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