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This is a question School Days

"The best years of our lives," somebody lied. Tell us the funniest thing that ever happened at school.

(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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The old grey cells aren't getting any younger
but the most memorable times were in chemistry lessons. The lady teacher - whose name I have long forgotten - cut a lump of sodium off the stock lump in its safe jar of oil then dropped it on the bench. It promptly caught fire. Another of her lessons found us making belljars full of chlorine. Yep, you guessed it, evacuation time. Strangely I failed chemistry . . .

In our last year, three of us - the school photographic club - spent the summer term's PE lessons photographing the rest of the class doing PE. I still have a few of the very few real photographs we took. Film was expensive, you see, so most of the time we didn't bother using it.
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 17:54, Reply)

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