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This is a question Your first cigarette

To be honest, inhaling the fumes from some burning leaves isn't the most natural thing in the world.
Tell us about the first time. Where, when, and who were you trying to show off to?

Or, if you've never tried a cigarette, tell us something interesting on the subject of smoking.

Personally, I've never ever smoked a cigarette. Lung damage from pneumonia put me off.

(, Wed 19 Mar 2008, 18:49)
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The Impressionable Youth
I buckled under the peer pressure and tried my first cigarette at the age of 12, in some bushes at the end of the school field.
Back then you never actually inhaled,just took pathetic little puffs, and three of us could make a pack of ten last a week.

However my first herbal experience was far more eventful.
I was suitably drunk anyway so when a friend pulled up outside the pub with a bag of skunk I was in no position to refuse.
Not realising it's potency I lugged away on the joint as though my life depended on it, no problem think I, just like an aromatic cigarette right?
For the entire car journey back to my mate's house I was practically becoming the back seat, and had turned an interesting shade of grey.
The rest of the evening was either spent decorating the toilet bowl with the former contents of my stomach, or glued on my back to the armchair, with a glass of water in one hand, and a half chewed Wrigley's in the other.

Hands up who thinks this week's QOTW is a big steaming pile of turd..
(, Fri 21 Mar 2008, 12:00, Reply)

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