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Home » Question of the Week » I Drank Meths (pointless teenage things you did to shock) » Post 85445 | Search
This is a question I Drank Meths (pointless teenage things you did to shock)

As a teenager I spent a whole summer bare-foot to show I wasn't going to bow to rules imposed by society.

(soon forgot all about that idea when the pavements got icy, I tell you)

I was telling a friend this when he trumped my story - he used to put water in a meths bottle and drink it in public. See, that'll bring down society.

What similarly classy nonsense have you got up to in the name of rebellion?
Apologies for accidentally closing this question earlier

(, Thu 19 Jul 2007, 12:07)
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Teenage Rebellion!
To my internal embarrassment, er, didn't really do any pointless stuff to shock. Much of what I managed to do only shocked people by accident. I'm a little miffed now, as I could have been so much worse, but now I'm holding down a job (as from Monday) and have Demi God to look after. He's also showing worrying signs of being basically good.

My brother, on the other hand. Now there lie several tales. Many's the time I got back from (parentally-approved) Uni to discover major freakouts of the parentals over his antics. He did the 'busted for weed' thing, the 'not wearing shoes' thing, and the 'hanging around with bunch of stoned loser mates' thing. He swiped our Dad's BMW when he passed his test, and managed to blaze around for six hours before coming home. Any time I came home, he'd swipe the car I was driving and disappear, as he had a spare set of keys for it. I once managed to get back to Uni at 1am because he'd 'forgot' I needed my car back. I had to drain the petrol out of the lawnmower to make it to the nearest 24 hour petrol station, too.

These days he's settled down a bit, and works in Austria teaching children to ski. And drinking truly worrying amounts of alcohol. And smoking stuff. And... er... maybe he hasn't calmed down at all.

Edit: Remembered one! I got expelled from school once. Then followed that up by... oh, damn. Getting some O-levels, A-levels, going to Uni and getting a good degree, and having a half-decent career in IT.
(, Fri 20 Jul 2007, 12:38, Reply)

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