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This is a question Unexpected Nudity

There you are minding your own business, looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when suddenly... SURPRISE TODGER!

Tell us just how un-erotic unexpected encounters with nudey people can be.

(suggested by wanderingjoe)

(, Thu 28 May 2009, 13:32)
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Possible pearoast...
... but many years ago when I was scruffy recently-ex-student and on my way back from my then-girlfriend's halls of residence across a large park in Aberdeen, cheerfully striding through the warm, dark night my new tape of The Orb - Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld on my huge battery-hungry Walkman I found that the six pints of Alloa 80/- I'd drunk earlier were making a not-unexpected bid for freedom. So, off to a large rhodedendron bush, zzzzip aaaaah.... "Hmmm. Not heard this mix of the track, it's got what sounds like shouting voi... FUCK!"

A drunk Gordonjcp can out-accelerate an angry Aberdeen Uni student and his lady friend who are still trying to get their trousers on, by a pretty comfortable margin.

Distance? About 500m before I started to slow down...
(, Fri 29 May 2009, 0:01, Reply)

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