b3ta.com user SkyBlueSnowy
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» Dad Jokes

Whenever it rains...
...my dad says 'Oh, it's Miss Thistledown.' Apparently this sounds like 'it's pissing down.' He sometimes says 'the angels are piddling again.'

Not only did he use the pull finger=parp joke on me, he would ask me to hold out my hand because he wanted to give me something, then would put a freshly rolled bogey in my upturned palm. To this day I am afraid to shake his hand.

One more, my dad has this perculiar habit of mispronouncing everyone's name. For instance, Stephen is Stefan, Nadine is Nardine and Alex is Alec. Christ alone knows why he does this, but it seems an incurable disorder.

I love my old man, but he is a strange old scrote.
(Fri 12th Dec 2003, 10:42, More)