b3ta.com user twuntysomething
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Profile for twuntysomething:
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I am not original enough to write anything of true value here.

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» Insults

My Best Friend...
has a drunken uncle who loves nothing more than to start drunken fights. One of his favourite lines to say to the other drunk men is

"Shut up or I will kick you in the pussy"
(Mon 8th Oct 2007, 5:09, More)

» Phobias

I am utterly terrified of them. Not driving over them mind you, but driving UNDER them. Especially when you get into a city where there are several of the intertwining and overlapping and some of them go off to fuck knows where because you can't see where they began or where the dick they end... They look like freakish transformers scorpions or millipedes or something...***shudder***
I also used to be terrified of semi trucks, which got to be a hassle when I was driving my car. If one came to pass me or worse, I had to merge onto the interstate with one, I would shut my eyes and squeal... it's a wonder I haven't died in a car wreck considering that is also how I typically get under the bridges, too...
(Fri 11th Apr 2008, 5:05, More)