b3ta.com user ibbleflib
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» Social Networking Gaffes

Not my faux-pas, but...
I've been rather fastidiously avoiding adding anyone from my high school as they were, to be blunt, a bunch of utter twunts. I was a very unhappy teenager there. Very rich private school girls + me (not so rich & a fan of squat parties), need I say more?

One girl in particular, who was a 'friend', over the years took advantage of what I shall call my then rather passive nature to royally screw me over to benefit herself. Her crowning glory was, after I had been off school for a while & was in counselling, one night drunkenly calling me and yelling that she wished I'd kill myself. Charming, n'est ce-pas?

It's now 7 years later, funnily enough we've not spoken for around that amount of time. To my shock and great amusement, she tried to add me on Facebook a month or so ago, along with a message that said something along the lines of "we should totally catch up, it's been ages! why did we lose contact anyway?"

Utter, utter T-WAT!
(Thu 11th Sep 2008, 22:45, More)

» Accidental innuendo

Having bought a lovely new set of bright pink ear muffs, as my ears get very cold in winter & it gives me headaches, myself & those around me delighted in muff jokes for some time after...

My favourite was a friend at work (where I was the only girl with 10 guys) hiding them behind his back and asking my manager (who had previously embarassed himself by commenting that there was a slight hole in the rear-end of my jeans which could have only been seen on close inspection... *raises eyebrow*) when he walked past "Have you seen Fantastatrons muff?"

Cue manager going googly eyed and stuttering. Brilliant.

Or, coming out of a club rather, ahem, worse for wear let's say, yelling at my boyfriend 'AAARGH I'VE LOST MY MUFF. Is it in your bag? I neeeeeed my muff or I'll explode!', bouncers and other clubbers looking a bit a/be-mused until boyfriend produced them out of his bag.
(Fri 13th Jun 2008, 11:59, More)