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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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As a non regular user
More a lurker, when I do post I find it a pain in the arse having to go to the FAQ everytime as I forget the code for Images, why not have the code on the "post new message" page so we can just copy and paste from there.....also including the codes for stuff like subscript etc

I so fecking lazy
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 12:09, Reply)
or www.b3ta.com/mus3c or whatever.
(, Wed 22 Nov 2006, 21:46, Reply)
I think an "on-line" indicator
woul;d be a really good idea.
(, Wed 22 Nov 2006, 13:39, Reply)
How about. . .
A forum where users could make suggestions for updates and additions to the site and request new features . . . Hang about. . .
(, Wed 22 Nov 2006, 11:22, Reply)
Popular Links
How about a popular links button on the main page, i didn't know it existed until it was posted on the main page instead of a newsletter a few weeks back
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 21:58, Reply)
"I like this" links
Why not stop having an objective judge/judges to ascertain which QOTW/Image Challenge entries are best, and simply turn the judging over to the users of b3ta to vote. That way a self-appointed elite of time-rich, in-joke toting tossers can vote for each other and generally ruin what was once a pretty good forum for ze Ingleesh humour, turning it into (yet another) monstrous cabal of testerone sodden lard arses with little to do and less to say. O no, hang on...
(, Tue 21 Nov 2006, 13:03, Reply)
a vote for you favourite bit
with one vote per person to stop silly people...
anything from favourite film this year to
favourite cheesecake
(, Mon 20 Nov 2006, 23:45, Reply)
how about an
"I once shot a man in reno just to watch him die" button?
(, Mon 20 Nov 2006, 20:48, Reply)
On Warrens-Anus
A picture counter so we know how many pics we can post before overwriting; ie if you post alot on warrens-anus it will say "Danger - examplepost.jpg had to be deleted to make room for this" and you lose that pic from the webspace. A warning beforehand would be nice :D
(, Mon 20 Nov 2006, 11:08, Reply)
Cant we

insert large foreign objects into Arola Moores arse.....I'm more than happy to provide the large objects required if needs be.
(, Mon 20 Nov 2006, 0:27, Reply)
Click Counter
I always wonder how many times people click the "I like this" on my posts, why not display it. (perhaps so only the message poster can see it?)

Also, what happens if you click the "I like this" on one of your own posts?
(, Sat 18 Nov 2006, 12:39, Reply)
B3ta Consumer Watch
As a really big community of people (I have heard 100,000) We have a lot of power over all. Why don't we have a new board about our experiences with certain companies? This way we could expose dodgy workmen, rubbish service and rip-offs, so that other b3ta members don't have to go through the same experiences. We could also praise companies that have done a really good job, and recommend them to other b3ta members? What do you think?
(, Sat 18 Nov 2006, 12:37, Reply)
get rid of the comma at the end of the sig

(, Sat 18 Nov 2006, 12:08, Reply)
The naughty-step button is a grand idea.
However, NO avatars, please.

Oh yeah, and the sweary-headlined newsletter just looks juvenile. Not big or clever.
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 16:21, Reply)
Could we have a b3ta store room?
It'd be great if there were a page on the site where key images that we all use could be stored as cut outs - like the goatsie man's hands or the Quo with the background taken off etc. It would be a big help to those of us that want to use them in an image challenge but don't have the software/knowledge to do the cutouts ourselves...
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 14:15, Reply)
If not already asked for
Quoting the number of votes on challenges/QOTW entries as well as just showing the best ones on the best page? ( maybe only show after the compo is closed obviously )
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 4:42, Reply)
I would love it if there was a way to search within all of the newsletters! So often have I wanted to show my friends something cool but when I go to look for it they get bored and call me a loser :(
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 3:55, Reply)
Images posted inside a thread
An "I like this" button on all images posted, not just those at start of thread

A way of preventing someone clicking "I like this" more than once on the same image
(, Thu 16 Nov 2006, 22:44, Reply)
how about
an overall best of QOTW, with the most clicked on winning posts ever?
(, Thu 16 Nov 2006, 15:37, Reply)
Please can we have a button
where we can naughty-step ourselves?


I need to get some work done, and I don't have the willpower :(
(, Thu 16 Nov 2006, 11:18, Reply)
image tags?
here's a wild thought ... why not let users set tags for all the images they post then let people search on those tags? /talk gets a lot of posts by people searching for past FP images, a searchable database would be ace.

EDIT: and there's still a Javascript error on /links when you click play on the embedded mp3 player
(, Thu 16 Nov 2006, 0:24, Reply)
Can we please have an "ignore compo entries" button?
That way we wouldn't have to be flooded with Paul Macartney pictures and the bitching that goes along with it.
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 22:29, Reply)
[Un]like this
I just accidentally clicked "I like this" when I wanted to ignore some racist knucklehead noob. I would like to see a "whoops, didn't mean it" button.
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 22:21, Reply)
Instead of having tons of links after a post
do something like the new Gmail button-- 99% of the time, we click on 1. Reply or 2. I like this!, but on the 1% of the time we want to ignore/ temporarily ignore/ other new feature that could be on a drop down list. Make b3ta look tidier, imho.
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 21:04, Reply)
QOTW best of?
How about for QOTW a best of section? which has the best 10 or so answers for questions which received the most "I Like This!" clicks?

sorry if its been suggested already but I havnt had time to read all the answers....
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 20:03, Reply)
FP Archive!
I second third fourth forward this motion.
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 17:38, Reply)
Being able to ignore a particular post
rather than having to ignore the user altogether.

I'm thinking this would be really useful when someone is a bit of a tit and writes a word that is so long it goes right off the side of the board. It makes scrolling down a pain in the arse, and it's not that uncommon on talk. And I'm sure it would have other uses as well.

Either that or just not letting words go off the side of the board somehow.
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 16:19, Reply)
Can we get a vending machine?
The canteen closes at 4pm and sometimes I get peckish in the evening.
(, Wed 15 Nov 2006, 15:40, Reply)

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