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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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the "toggle" button on gaz? could it possibly be named somethin bit more totally drumken wanker friendly like "selectall" cos i just wasted minutes of my life tivking everysingle bloody box............ maybe i'm the only person on here who's too thickk to gt what it means, in which case ignore me (bloody work driinks on a monday night and all) but might be helpful for other muppets?!
(, Mon 18 Dec 2006, 22:18, Reply)
B3TA Dating service?

(, Fri 15 Dec 2006, 14:50, Reply)
Hows about...
A NOOB board! For all the L-platers to get to grips with the real boards.

Just a thought, though. Sounds a bit silly come to think of it.
(, Wed 13 Dec 2006, 23:50, Reply)
Make the FP Image bit wider.
B3ta has some awesome talent, but it's limited to 280 pixels wide (That's what everyone aims for, anyway). At least make it a nice round 400 or something.
(, Wed 13 Dec 2006, 14:40, Reply)
[email protected]
A b3ta email domain would be cool. And would allow identification of members when away from the site.

robtoo edit: Not going to happen, sorry. Administering email servers is a whole lot of not fun. (I really wish this weren't true, as this is the Right Way To Do It. gaz was originally supposed to be an email forwarding service.)
(, Wed 13 Dec 2006, 13:47, Reply)
I agree!
And ensure only registered users can vote, 1 each

robtoo edit: this should be the case already
(, Wed 13 Dec 2006, 13:46, Reply)
Fuckity grrrr
Can you stop people from posting a link in their messages that causes you to accidentally vote "I like this" for them. It really cocks me off.

robtoo edit: the links shouldn't actually count as a vote, though. Please let me know if they do. You can check by clicking your profile and looking at your voting history...
(, Tue 12 Dec 2006, 13:57, Reply)
RSS feeds
for QOTW and Image compo posts....
(, Thu 7 Dec 2006, 14:27, Reply)
Block Youtube and google links
They're ruining the links board
(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 21:56, Reply)
/talk's popular page
The 'More' link next to the quotes should link to the posts in the same way that the links to peoples posts in their profiles do.

ie. is should link to <thread id>#<post id>

So that you can get some context with the post.
(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 17:37, Reply)
don't know if it's me or b3ta
but the old short cuts (Alt+[ etc) don't seem to work with Firefox 2.0 (or Opera for that matter)?
(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 17:29, Reply)
I would be nice if there was an easier way to locate entertaining posts I may have made
rather than trawl through them
(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 14:26, Reply)
A "Donkey" button next to an imagepost
As well as an "I like this" button, have the "Donkey of the Week" linked on the newsletter too; a compo post so bad it improves other posts (plus we get a cheap laff if "Dave the Hat" wins the elusive Donkey).
(, Mon 4 Dec 2006, 18:12, Reply)
QOTW again (sorry)
Two more things please; firstly, just as private chat messages and 'woo first' gloats are removed from the answers by the glorious overmods, could any post containing the words 'I've already posted this for another question but....' be removed please? If you've already posted it then the chances are everyone has already read it. I'm sorry if the greatest moment of your life wasn't deemed funny enough to make the best board last time you tried but thats usually a good indicator it won't be this time either.

Secondly, I'm sure theres a reason for this, but why not front page current popular/hilarious answers like current entries for the Image Challenge are? Does the front page have to be entirely images? I just think funny is funny regardless of the medium.

(, Mon 4 Dec 2006, 8:03, Reply)
a seperate /youtube board
and a separate /links board

as linking to youtube is very easy
(, Sat 2 Dec 2006, 18:43, Reply)
can you send
someone round to my house to give me a titwank?
(, Fri 1 Dec 2006, 11:24, Reply)
I'd love to see some kind of music board
people seem to like posting music videos on /links as well as their own work and b3ta must have hundreds (thousands?) of musicians mixing and scratching away over cracked copies of Cubase and Reason ... a dedicated music board where people can post their creative work and the odd YouNoobTube music video would be great.
(, Fri 1 Dec 2006, 1:24, Reply)
Be able to hit the "preview" button when editing a post.
That way we can simplify a link we're posting in an edit.
(, Wed 29 Nov 2006, 15:33, Reply)
(, Tue 28 Nov 2006, 16:15, Reply)
an anonymous board
would obviously have to be heavily modded
(, Tue 28 Nov 2006, 13:24, Reply)
Add a column to the calendar
naming the city of the bash.
(, Mon 27 Nov 2006, 19:26, Reply)
Be able to search profiles by username.
That way we can gaz each other without having to wait until they are posting to get to their profile.

EDIT: Glassco.cx doesn't seem to be very efficient at this.

robtoo edit: You can already search for users on the gaz/write page or go to someone's profile directly like this.

EDIT: ooh! Thanks!
(, Mon 27 Nov 2006, 19:23, Reply)
Live preview in QOTW
I'm not sure why I think this would help, but I'd like to see it.

Also, live preview when editing a post. EDIT - I see it on /talk

I like the idea of a "Best of the QOTW" over all questions based on votes, but that would shortchange older questions, posted and voted on when b3ta was much smaller and great posts might not have gotten many votes compared to newer ones.
(, Mon 27 Nov 2006, 19:16, Reply)
Live preview images.
If you forget the closing quotes from an image url, the live preview will still display the image. When you post it, or click the preview button, the url will be deleted, leaving you with a redex.

This is probably known but I couldn't find it.
(, Fri 24 Nov 2006, 22:17, Reply)
How about a little reminder message when it's getting near
one's b3taday, or near x thousand posts...?

We all like to celebrate!
(, Fri 24 Nov 2006, 14:53, Reply)
how about a thread/page somewhere showing which of these suggestions has been acted upon
robtoo edit:

I think this is fairly close to what you're asking for. But I have just started a new job, so updates will be slow for a few more weeks.

Also, b3ta has reached the stage where the core code needs a bit of TLC before new features can be added, so that will have to happen behind the scenes first.

(, Fri 24 Nov 2006, 12:53, Reply)
reply live preview bug
I'm not sure if this has been filed before (as there is no search feature for these! :) but when you reply to a post on the main board, the live preview has the link to your homepage as localhost/members rather than www.b3ta.com/members.

I guess that now I type this, I realise "who cares". but just to say. you know. just in case is all.
(, Fri 24 Nov 2006, 2:03, Reply)
best of
I'm with the others on QOTW: select the best on votes alone and have an all-time chart of most votes across threads
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:24, Reply)

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