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[challenge entry] Breaking a Macbook in memory of Steve Jobs
Made by a couple of my colleagues, with pretty minimal input from me, but thought it looked pretty cool! Made of bits and bobs from a (previously not working) macbook pro

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:04, archived)
# Bloody hell
Top work!

psssssssttt put it in the compo
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:04, archived)
# ah thought I did
will fix that
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:09, archived)
# LIES - Macs dont break or go wrong!

That is ace though.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:06, archived)
# Only when you drop an anvil on 'em
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:20, archived)
# yes they do
they are well know for the logic board going ka-put in the mac book pro needing either a repair in the £600 region or a new mac book pro.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:33, archived)

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:35, archived)
# *dons tin foil hat*
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:59, archived)
# *fanfare*
"let the jousting commence!"
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:37, archived)
# Mine hasn't yet and I've had it for years
*drops wardrobe on it*
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:49, archived)
# that is rather ace
best watermark it before someone nicks it
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:06, archived)
# Yes!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:07, archived)
# very very good!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:09, archived)
# Cocking shitsticks.
That's rather good.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:09, archived)
# top response
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:16, archived)
- this is excellent btw
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:10, archived)
# this is excellent
although the eyes are creeping me out a bit
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:11, archived)
# thanks
we thought it made steve look a bit like a Borg
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:13, archived)
# nothing wrong with that
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:19, archived)
# What happened to the Image Challenge?
Before I set off to work Dinosaurs was massively winning on votes?
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:13, archived)
# Rob did both.
coz he has THE POWER
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:15, archived)
# He has the Power!
When he lifts magic pork sword and shouts by the power of Cuntshed!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:20, archived)
# lol
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:38, archived)
# we've got a coalition image challenge, i think
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:18, archived)
# Damn I hope we don't see Clegg pop up
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:21, archived)
# hopefully not
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:24, archived)
# Did you see
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:51, archived)
# yay!
mondrian definitely looks the best!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:54, archived)
# I'm sorry but the turd fish still wins for me.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:57, archived)
# i think i'm just most proud
of the way mondrian turned out. he's pretty much spot on how i wanted him to look
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:59, archived)
# * much the same as when I look at your turd.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:05, archived)
# this needs to be an animated screensaver
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:09, archived)
# you are the scatman
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:12, archived)
# clegg nuts pop out
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:42, archived)
# awesome
a massive pic would be cool
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:14, archived)
# click on the image
there's a link through to a bigger one 2000px across or something like that
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:15, archived)
# wow!
Nice one, i wanted to look at all the little bits see if you'd cheated but fair cocking doos its all legit! nicely done...
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:18, archived)
# Bloody hell, that's a bit good!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:16, archived)
# you should get that printed onto canvas
then charge £1500 for it
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:17, archived)
# ahaah and call it
Prelude to Creation - A Study & Tribute
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:20, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:23, archived)
# With this piece I internalised my own introspection, searching for aspects of inspirational creationism.
Using mixed media I have depicted a form of singularity to express my own emotions also I done a shit on a turnip.

- Haviel Jangis
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:36, archived)
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:39, archived)
# sweet sweet jangis jape
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:43, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:46, archived)
# Saviel Xalierl
also, this is Jangis

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:49, archived)
# i made that floating fuck from the mp eric pickles, after joe scaramanga mentioned him
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:51, archived)
# coincidentally, that's exactly what Haviel Jangis looked like before the crash
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:52, archived)
# no idea who jangis is
it just reminds me of hogis, hence the /talk link were i mentioned hogis and some bird was on the rag etc

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:54, archived)
# Haviel Jangis is an abstract artist born in Seville raised in the sewers of Javiel prefacture Okohama.*

(he is fictgion)

shh, pwetend him real
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:59, archived)
# hahahaha
sounds like one of danny gloom's (a b3tan) characters.

sweet sweet madthoughts deki
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:02, archived)
# ^_________________________^
Savierl Changis & The Chimichangas
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:05, archived)
# changis, jangis and hogis, the 3 tennors live in concert
rated pg (bring a child)

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:08, archived)
Mit Sree D

Only on NooCorp
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:17, archived)
# not compliable with phuklipscorp
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:28, archived)
# Hi, is this JazzCorp?
- Please hold
- What coupon has you?
I got this fucking coupon
- Which coupon sir, has you a fuckcoupon?
- K
I has discunt?
- yer
- bai
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:51, archived)
# hahahaha
they need better customer service, the fucks.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:52, archived)
# shhuuuuuutttt uuuuuppp
thats why i really asked for a bigger one
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:21, archived)
# as someone's likely to steal it and sell it
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:57, archived)
# That's chuffing ace.
Nice work!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:32, archived)
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:33, archived)
# 20 M's
Good job
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:36, archived)
# thass pretty lovely :)
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:37, archived)
that's all i can say to explain this
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:38, archived)
# its stuff like this
thats puts my pictures of cocks to shame... good day on here today though, but now im going home to pizza and beer.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:41, archived)
# it is this that is the biz
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:46, archived)
# That is rather super,
but (and I know this is controversial) I consider the man to have been a selfish, greedy twat and although I am sad for his family, I am glad that he does not have the opportunity to carry on being so.

Would we be seing this level of outcry if it were Bill Gates, who is more innovative, more charitable, more brilliant in every way? No.

You know what galls me the most? The fanboys know he was a cunt and was treating them like cunts, but they still don't mind.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:52, archived)
# ^^^ THIS!
He was a fantastic salesman though, you cant deny him that.

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:58, archived)
# nah,
Apple look like they might end up like Microsoft if they're not careful, but to say Bill Gates was a lovely guy back in the 80s/90s as well, when Microsoft were copying Apple for a start, and forcing pc manufacturers to pre-install windows thus making pcs way more expensive than they needed to be, and also making newbies think all computers had to run windows, was worse than what apple are doing now (IMO).

Gates is apparently a nice guy -now-, but he nicked a load of ideas (M$ didn't invent windows). I bet it's probably guilt over all the shit he & M$ did years ago ;)

edit: I not a Apple fanboy by the way, if Linux had a better user interface and better media packages I'd be using that 100% of the time. But I just can't stand windows cos it's crap, and Microsoft itself for all the shit they did years ago. They make good mice though (but that's shiny hardware)..
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:06, archived)
# Microsoft copying apple?
Microsoft make software and they were both copying IBM, but remember who was there making this stuff.

The crap people talk about M$ is nothing like what actually happened when we were living it.

M$ took closed systems and made them open in a way which Apple never did. They made their software cross platform and open to all, where Apple make theirs closed and are evil with good PR.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:15, archived)
# I'm not saying apple were saints, no business is (are?)
It's just miro$oft were worse. And they didn't invent windows; neither did Apple, it was Xerox or something wasn't it? But Apple came out with windows before M$ anyway. Plus making the newbie public think all computers just naturally ran windows (by forcing pre-installing), thus ensuring most people run windows on their computers to this day, was a masterstroke of salesmanship. Okay people had to put up with buggy operating systems and came to think rebooting every few days was normal, but hey..
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:28, archived)
# apple did not come out with windows
both companies produced seperate software based upon Xerox's desktop environment.

i don't believe that companies were forced to put windows on at that time, but there was very little choice software in terms of a usable operation system at the time, microsoft saw an opening by offering heavily discounted software to companies making desktop computers, a model whic stuck, i don't think apple offered their operating system to any other third party manufacturer during that time.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:51, archived)
# but apple came up with windows before microsoft, that's what i meant
As for the forcing, M$ changed their licensing agreements so pc manufacturers had to include windows (and (I think) no other operating system), if they wanted to continue using MS-DOS which was by then already entrenched. This meant no other fancy graphical operating system (Linux, BSD etc) could get a look-in on the new PC clones being churned out.

Or something like that - see this: www.spectacle.org/0901/maloney.html
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 19:05, archived)
# no, xerox came up with a desktop environment that both companies based their software on
hence when they tried to have a pop at each other about 'stealing' the desktop environment neither had a leg to stand on.

microsoft saw a market opportunity to get manufacturers to commit to supplying their software (of which there were scant other operating systems that were usable at the time) with their systems.

to my recollection apple never offered their operation system to any other party except using it on their own prebuilt systems, thus controlling both the software and hardware of their business.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 19:44, archived)
# "apple came up with windows before microsoft"
Emphasis on "before", I know Xerox did it first :) It was only when M$ saw what Apple had done with Xerox's system that they realised that was the way to go. www.b3ta.com/board/10563513

The thing with M$ & PCs though was how they stifled any competition on a machine (PC) that could allow loads of operating systems (rather than Apple stuff that was all in-house, i.e. OS & hardware).

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 21:17, archived)
# Well they came up with their own OS based on xerox's ideas
But it wasn't windows, or they would have called it windows.

And at the time microsoft were releasing their verson there weren't really many viable alternatives that didn't require a certian knowledge about computers to make it an out of the box product.

You could say thay at a later date linus torvaldes copied both microsoft and apple when he released the kernal for linux, which itself required a certian knowledge to get working in its various guises.

You could say that apple have copied some of the innovative research in the mobile phone market that nokia had forged over the years. The thing that apple has been good at is walling in the garden and creating slick user interfaces.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 23:44, archived)
# "But it wasn't windows, or they would have called it windows"
I meant the very idea of a graphical user interface to move files around using a mouse etc, not what it was called.

"And at the time microsoft were releasing their verson there weren't really many viable alternatives" - true but there were some but M$ stifled the competition by forcing pc manufacturers to install windows. Anyway this is one page with more details (again): www.spectacle.org/0901/maloney.html, I'm off to bed :)
(, Fri 7 Oct 2011, 0:41, archived)
Apple look like they might end up like Microsoft... - how can any 'successful' business not?

forcing pc manufacturers to pre-install windows... - 'forcing' ?

...if Linux had a better... - ahhh...
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:21, archived)
# Just found a nice thing that sums it up, the situation 10 years ago:

But: by "ending up like Microsoft" I mean disenchanting its users by being overly authoritative, and by "forcing" I mean "forcing computer manufacturers to take Windows if they wanted to continue shipping their computers with MS-DOS already installed. Computer makers abided, because selling a computer with no operating system installed would have put them at a severe disadvantage: consumers didn't want to install operating systems themselves if they didn't have to." (from the link)

edit: anyway, sod this, time for tea :9
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:38, archived)
# iSync failure: unable to detect irony
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:46, archived)
# I guess not! :(
what was the joke? :)
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:52, archived)
# disenchanting its users by being overly authoritative
apple itunes, istore, etc
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:54, archived)
# ah gotcha, well yeah that's what I meant, they have started going down that road too, unfortunately :/
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:58, archived)
The OSX interface is hideously pofaced too. Boring as hell.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 23:13, archived)
# trying to figure out how to get the shares off a guy with cancer probably counts as "not nice"
end of the day, they got lucky with shit

plenty companies back in the day and were the in thing and nobody'll remember them these days
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:23, archived)
# Hoi Manley!
did you get the merchandise?
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:33, archived)
# WOO!
well done to those people.
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 17:59, archived)
# Yeah! coupla colleagues ftw!!!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:10, archived)
# I agree
good job other guys, glad I was there for the moral support
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:12, archived)
# actually dude
i'd resize it to 400 width to make sure this gets an FP. mods sometimes do it for you, but maybe sometimes they couldn't be arsed.

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:14, archived)
# superb.
I bet Apple would buy this.

(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:25, archived)
# kudos
and yes, watermark it to fuck before it's too late
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:41, archived)
# nice JOB
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 18:45, archived)
# wow
great work, that
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 19:43, archived)
Much aceness!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 20:24, archived)
This search
(the little thingie like tinyeye where you can right click to search ze web for similar images)
came up with nothing when this was first posted, now it's in several places. Hope a few were your own postings =)
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 20:55, archived)
# This is possibly...
one of the best and most creative things I've ever seen on B3ta. Top work!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 21:51, archived)
# woweee!
high praises, thanks :)
(, Fri 7 Oct 2011, 9:39, archived)
# Completely awesome.
Brilliant stuff!
(, Thu 6 Oct 2011, 21:53, archived)
# Erm...
Well done.
(, Fri 7 Oct 2011, 0:48, archived)