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# Mona Dodd
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:23, archived)
# haha
how enigmatic I am
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:25, archived)
# Would I find your sig in a Times Crossword puzzle?
or in a free French forces broadcast?
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:26, archived)
# ah
the latter.

I watched The Longest Day on Saturday on DVD. Quite by chance on the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings. I was inspired.

also watched Tora! Tora! Tora! at the weekend - fucking awesome film
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:27, archived)
# Aha! I remember now!
Oddly I was reading about the crossword chap a few weeks back it was very odd.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:29, archived)
# whassat then?
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:30, archived)
# *rough outline* War office in preperation for D Day right in the thick of it one top brass who is a keen crossword follower notices that one of the
D Day code words appears as an answer in the Times Crossword, over the next few weeks on the run up to D Day LOADs of D Day code words (Juno, Overlord, Gold, Omaha,) appear as answers in the Times Crossword. Poor crossword compiler is arrested, interviewd and it's all found to be a mahooosive coincedence !

Edit: Telegraph not times...more here www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1460892/D-Day-crosswords-are-still-a-few-clues-short-of-a-solution.html
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:34, archived)
# *rubs chin*
surely you mean Obama, not Omaha
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:35, archived)
# ahhhh
I love all the WW2 codework stuff
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:35, archived)
# Nephilim lyrics
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:27, archived)
# Paul Verlaine lyrics!
Chanson d'Automne

parts of which were broadcast as a code to the French Resistance to prepare them for the D-Day landings
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:30, archived)
# the flowers in my kitchen
they WEEEEEEEEEEEEP for youuuuuuu
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:32, archived)
# the agony of existence of being is only second to the suffering I feel from this broken NAAAAAIIIIILLLL
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:36, archived)
# and ze fact zat I cannot find my keyz
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:45, archived)
# hahaha
'ning all

I am in the filthiest ribald mood ever today :D

How are you?
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:26, archived)
# My throat aches for about the fourth day running.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:28, archived)
# You should stop running then
Next patient
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:28, archived)
# To much deep throating then
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:29, archived)
# agh! me too - day 6 for me
I have pharyngitis.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:29, archived)
# Hugs
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:30, archived)
# I'm on the downslope now
I had to go to the out of hours surgery 6am on Saturday as I couldn't swallow

antibiotics and more cocodamol and ibuprofen than is good for you has done the trick

try gargling with TCP for laughs
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Smart arse response
Devoid of sympathy :(
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:30, archived)
# aw. *sympathy* swine flu?
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:33, archived)
# What Griffy's got by the sound of it
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:37, archived)
# get thee to the docs
I spent most of the weekend asleep
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:44, archived)
# I am a heady brew of tiredness, stress, and silliness with a touch of priapism
and I have to sell myself to potential clients today!"!!
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:28, archived)
# just make sure your cock is hanging out and all will be fine
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:29, archived)
# *windmills*
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:35, archived)
# I have to go trolling round job agencies whilst incurably highly strung and nonsensical.
I don't think CVs are accepted if they're written in crayon and simply say "I am A NonSensE"
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:41, archived)
# Find an inkjet printer that will print onto craft cheese slices
and submit CV on that
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:45, archived)
# I could try and etch a woodcutting from a block of red leicester and print the CV with cococheneal
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:50, archived)
# ha ha You MUST do this
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 11:02, archived)
# Reasonably angry.
The busker at Green Park was playing the bagpipes. My boss is in a foul mood. I've only had one cigarette. My fruit is bruised.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:32, archived)
# this sounds like a list from a Learn English Grammar book
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:33, archived)
# I am ancy. You are grumpy. She is a bitch.
I confidentially brief. You leak. He is in violation of the official secrets act.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:45, archived)
# *big hugs*
*goes to London to make fanny cradock feel better*
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Bagpipes are not what you want to be hearing on a monday morning :(
We could do with more buskers playing Drums & Fifes.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:44, archived)
# I would through a few coppers at a military drum corp if they were outside waterloo
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:47, archived)
# They would have to be in splendid 19th century dress uniform though.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:51, archived)
# Hallo Ninj!
You okay?

(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:33, archived)
# There goes another monocle :(
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:33, archived)
# Phwoarrrr!!!!!
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:33, archived)
# I bet that tastes salty!
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:35, archived)
# *monocle pops out*
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Hiya Moley!!
Fine thankee sir and you? :)
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:34, archived)
# I'm super today. Had a great weekend.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:35, archived)
# i remember this as a basic program.
you pressed space and she got them out.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:34, archived)
# Yes, I've still got that somewhere
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:40, archived)
# hah
*waits for someone making plane noises to feed him*
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:36, archived)
# hahahahahahahhaha! that looks hideous :D
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:36, archived)
# Nice one ninj!
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:43, archived)
# Cheers me dears!
Mornin' Barbie, you well sir? :)
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:44, archived)
# Yeah, not too bad.
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:48, archived)
# Fine ta mate
(, Mon 8 Jun 2009, 10:55, archived)