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This is a question The last thing that made me cry

I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?

(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
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Emotionally...whenever I visit my Nan's grave, it's right next to where all the babies and kids are buried. Not nice.

Physically...last week when I managed to squirt lime juice directly into my left eye whilst preparing a Ken Hom sauce. Thanks Ken.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:32, Reply)
Snowflakes on her Eyelashes
My grandmother died 5 years ago but I was very close to her and was devastated when the cancer finally took her away. I used to get very upset when I thought about her but now I just think of her with fondness and happy memories.

Anyway, a few weeks ago we had really heavy snow where I live but being the diligent student that I am I decided to brave the snow and walk on to campus for a lecture.

As I was walking I was suddenly reminded of a story that my Grandmother used to tell me. When she was a young lass growing up in Yorkshire she was at her fist formal dance. It was the winter and the snow was falling heavily. She was standing near the door when a girl that she had never seen before walked in. What caught my Grandmothers eye was that her eyelashes were so thick and long that she had snowflakes balancing on them. My grandmother told me that this girl was the most beautiful young woman that she had ever seen.

The reason I thought of this was I had snowflakes on my lashes. I desperately wanted to call my Grandma and tell her, she would like that. When the realisation that I couldn't came crashing down on me once again it was all I could do to control myself. I sat down on the nearest bench and sobbed my heart.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:26, Reply)
My ex
she told me that coldplay - the scientist reminded her of us, we hadn't spoken for ages and when i looked at the lyrics i just fell apart.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:25, Reply)
the last page of 'Of Mice and Men'.
The ending of that was just completely unexpected, as far as I was concerned, and shocked me to tears.
I didn't even particularly like the book. It was just our GCSE course text.

No doubt I have actually cried since then. I can't imagine that I've not cried in 4 years now, but if I have it's been over some physical pain or other, no doubt which I've forgotten.

Edit: Ignore all that. That did make me cry, but I've remembered a couple of more recent ones.
The first time I heard Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt, after hearing he'd died. I looked back on it as the final thoughts of a dying man. So powerful, I can't actually hear that now without welling up a little.
Same goes for listening to Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah. Gets me every time.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:23, Reply)
Last time I remember crying properly
was walking back to a mates flat after eating an Egyptian meal and drinking a bottle and a half of Arak (look it up). I was so drunk I decided that we were all lost and sat down on the pavement and balled my eyes out.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:22, Reply)
tiny f***ing tim corking it
...every time. Bloody Christmas Carol...

muppet version, disney, alistair sims, scrooged, makes no difference. I will cry like a moron every single time.

I am totally immune to everything sentimental but that. It makes me want to punch the screen, but I'm too weepy to do it.

I am so ashamed

Also, when hormones are raging, I will cry at the fluffy bit in the newsletter. I'm not so ashamed of that.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:20, Reply)
Having the tiny red veins at the side of my nostril cauterised. *cringe*
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:17, Reply)
An onion... they can be so mean to me at times.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:08, Reply)
FinestLittleSpace appears to be me, but a couple of years ago.
How odd. Anyway, like him, Radiohead have been known to make me bawl, and for the very same reason (I hope it's not the same girl), as have:

- The Green Mile
- Vera Drake (the line "this is the best Christmas I've ever had")
- Million Dollar Baby
- Grant Lee Buffalo
- On and On by the Longpigs
- overwork
- clinical depression, obviously, and looking back at the time I spent three weeks signed off work with it, sitting in the bath crying my eyes out for no reason. And when I got back to work? If I'd been signed off for a month, like my doctor said, I'd be long term sick and would be paid. Deciding to go back early and finish the project I was working on? Short term sick, went over my yearly limit, and didn't get paid. That helped. I left.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 16:01, Reply)
It wont last.

JOKE mate... Hope everything stays shplendid for ya!
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:58, Reply)
Probably when a friend
whom I hold particularly dear thanked me for being around to listen when they needed it. I am most likely all the spacker, with all the inferiority complex mixed in; but having someone that I love and respect like that thank me for being useful to them after they've been so good to me got me going a bit.

Does this make me gay? Meh, don't care.

Oh, also when I dropped a washing machine on my foot. But mainly the first one.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:47, Reply)
Over spilt milk
Cant help it, really i cant
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:47, Reply)
Two Brothers!!
Those bloody tigers at the end when they meet and realise that they're brothers.

Have I spoiled the film now for anyone??
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:47, Reply)
Lying in bed the other night...
with my fiancee asleep in my arms, thinking how my life has turned around in the last year and how all the pieces of my life seem to be falling perfectly into place at the moment!
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:44, Reply)
Schoolboy Error
I'd just got meself a new bird, invited her over for dinner. Rustled up a bunch of my patent veggie fajitas, for she and I are of the non-carnivore kind, featuring nice fresh chillis.

Anyways, get the dinner all sorted, decide to grab a quick shower so as to be all sparklin' on the off chance she got drunk enough to sleep with me.

Was just about to hop under the water when something very important popped into my head.. Now then - we all know chaps should never go out with a loaded gun if there's the slightest chance of knocking boots, don't we?

By this point, time was running short, so i set about emptying me pods before the missus pitches up... and completely forgot that I'd just chopped a load of chillis.

10 seconds in, mild itching.
20 seconds, things go red
30 seconds in... it's like the RAF has called in half a dozen napalm strikes onto my bellend.

Cry? Nearly fucking shat meself the pain was so bad.

Cue an excrutiating evening of crossed legs, wincing, watering eyes and constant trips to the bog to dip my cock in a sink of cold water.

Took about 4 hours to go back to normal, which was just about the time Mrs Grouch decided to jump me bones.

And - as an epilogue - the chilli was *cough* desensitising enough that I lasted an age.

Every red, inflamed, swollen cock has a silver lining, I suppose...
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:43, Reply)
My Son Jabbed A Pen In My Eye...
Monday morning, dozing in bed, he came in as he couldn't sleep (he's almost 2), next thing I know is he's fidgeting and my eyes have been closed a minute.

Then, Whoop! Shooting pain in my left eye and my son smiling, holding a pen in his hand (that his mother must have left on the bedside cabinet...)

I ran to the toilet (after disarming him), looked in the mirror in anticpated horror, spotted what looked like a puncture mark right by my tear duct and started bawling. It wasn't the pain though that had me crying - it was the thought I could have just been blinded by my son's natural curiosity. Scary...

Its OK now by the way, the puncture mark was a red dot that grew a bit and is now getting better. An inch to the left though... *shudders*
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:42, Reply)
Schindler's List...
I can't hold it together when he breaks down realising he could have saved one more life if he'd sold more things. That and when they place a rock on the grave at the end for each life saved.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:39, Reply)
Anything at all that reminds me of my parents
I loved my parents a great deal and didn't appreciate them enough when they were alive. So absolutely anything that reminds me of them, I start weeping. Not full scale blubs but moist eyes.

The last time was when I saw Mary Poppins the stage show. Before that it has happened when I saw the movie Frequency or even when I have read a book.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:39, Reply)
I pulled a hair out of my nose.

(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:38, Reply)
My ferret, last month.
He was very sick. It was the weekend, so we couldn't visit with our regular vet. We went to a different clinic, and the vet there said he was in extreme pain and probably wouldn't last until monday.

The terrible thing is that he was fighting it the whole time. He really didn't want to die, and we killed him anyway.

Fuck. Now I'm crying again.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:37, Reply)
when mum was given the all clear from breast cancer 18 months ago. Happy Days.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:34, Reply)
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
...every time

I think I am emotionally retarded
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:32, Reply)
Christmas Eve - last year
Came home from the Pub a little worse for wear to be met by the Wife who tells me the cat is breathing really heavily.

On the frantic drive to the Vets the cat dies in my arms.

Felt really sorry for the vet who was met by 2 blubbering people carrying a dead cat. Not much he could do about that really.

I know it's only a cat, and nothing truly horrific happened, but we liked it and miss it.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:31, Reply)
acid burn in the eye
Hungover one morning at a mates house I went to the bathroom to put some soothing Golden Eye on a sty on my left eyelid. Sadly without my glasses on I picked up beasty acidic Bazooka-That-Verucca which comes in a very similar tube and fused my eyelid and cornea together. Happy happy joy joy. Cried like i've never cried before (all the way to A & E).

Said "twunt" lots too.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:28, Reply)
From Pain:
The last few times I have shaved my arse and squatted in a vat of gin really hit home. I really dont know why I bother to do it anymore, frankly.

And yesterday, right in the middle of an important sales team meeting, my dog, the office mascot, a whacking great big Mastiff, trots into the office and lays down...and proceeds to pollute the air with his ass burps. Man, it literally brought tears to my eyes! The CEO was wincing from pain. Fair play to Goose the dog! I think it resulted in a shorter than anticipated sales call.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!

(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:23, Reply)
Welling up...
This is the most depressing QotW ever. I am almost crying now!
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:20, Reply)
E = makes me a girl
I managed to get through adolescence and much of young adulthood without shedding a tear, and then I discovered Ecstasy.

For 48-72 hours after any given pill-popping extravaganza, I can now be trusted to weep like a kid at Neverland Ranch, generally while watching TV. And I'm not talking about "Gone with the Wind", here - it's usually Buffy. Xander came back! They defeated the demon! They're all safe! *snf*
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:18, Reply)
that fookin 'little donkey' song at christmas. Made be cry at infants school and I refuse to listen to it now.
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:17, Reply)
Dive Boat (boring but true)
Last week whilst getting my dive boat ready for the launching, I was antifouling the bottom and the fumes from the paint brought tears to my eyes. Always do. Still - nearly summer and ready for the first splash......woo !
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:09, Reply)
The actual last time
tears came out of my eyes was flying from Sweden to England on Monday. I've had a cold for about 4 weeks, and my sinuses are really blocked up. As we gained altitude, I started to feel a distinct pressure over my eyebrows that only got worse and worse until my eyes were overflowing from the pure pressure of my swollen, clogged up sinuses on my eyes. It felt like they were going to pop out and it hurt so much I nearly threw up. Like a really bad migrane, and there was nothing I could do about it because the airline staff weren't allowed to give me anything for it.

Luckily, it's only about a 2 hour flight, and as soon as we started dropping, it eased away. The guy next to me probably thought something terrible had happened, because I was crying constantly for the whole flight, just a silent, steady flow of tears... But I'm actually happy I cancelled my trip to Japan because of the illness. 12 hours non-stop migrane... Can't think of anything worse.

My ears still need to pop, dammit...
(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:06, Reply)

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