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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Photo ID - a simple concept
Just so you know, folks, the accepted forms of ID for a bar are as follows: full driver's license, passport or Prove It card. (whatever the hell that is) If we're fairly sure, we may accept a provisional driver's license.

The following are not and will never be accepted as ID, from sensible to ludicrous:

* Student ID - not sure about the why on this one; easy to fake perhaps?

* Bank cards - is your face on it? Then it could be anybodys

* Riley's membership - yes, you have to be 18 to get it but then we'll phone up the sodding pool club for you and ask them your full details and describe your face over the phone. So no, find something else.

* Your parents - this one is dying hard, I fear. I was once told a story of someone being refused service at a family function. In response, the girl's parents AND grandparents showed up in the traditional "I'm her [relative], I'm all the ID you need!". No, you're some irritating bastard who's shouting at the staff for doing their job. Shame it's too late for you to be sterilised.

* Young Scot card - as far as I know, it's to prove you're under 15 and requires no proof of age to get. You wouldn't use it to get into an 18 film, so why the crap will it work here?

* Tattoos - are you fucking joking? You probably got that at a young offenders institute, you codswalloping fucknugget. Only people stupid enough to be destined for jail would think Japanese text makes you look harder.

It's also surprising how many people seem to think their lack of ID is somehow my fault. Why does a desire to drink make so many people suddenly stupid?
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 10:37, 8 replies)
I've only got a provisional driving licence (largely due to my complete inability to pass a driving test), but I've never had it declined as a form of ID.

Also - purely out of interest, I'm not trying to wind you up - where do you stand on foreign passports? A good friend of mine is Russian, and it's just about the only ID he's got. Hence, when a barman looked at it and said, "Erm...have you got anything English?"
...well, what can you say? "Not until my work visa comes through and then I've spent enough years here to apply for a residency"...surely, given the anally retentive security involved getting in and around Russia, or even into other countries, a genuine Russian passport is probably a more thoroughly tested form of ID than the British one which seems to casually trusted the world over?
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 10:49, closed)
when i was pre-18 (2 years) i used a printout of my passport with the date changed

worked a surprising amount of times in various shops
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 12:59, closed)
Mind you...
some take it far too far.

I was out with the CFO of a large company one night and we decided to go to a club.

They would not let us in, insisting that we show ID.

I was 34. He was 66.

Now, while I am flattered that I may look younger than 18 (and sadly, that simply isn't true), no 66 year old could pull off looking 17 or younger.

Common sense is anything but common sadly.
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 21:42, closed)
Why not provisional?
I don't understand why a full licence is any less proof than a full one (I've seen it at bureau de chance as well); the only ID you need for a driving test is the provisional licence.

Anyone know something I don't?
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 22:27, closed)
I have no clue
I've no idea why provisionals are dodgy at my work; seems valid enough since I had to send my passport off to get one. This is what my manager was saying whilst telling me off for accepting an ID I apparently shouldn't have, so I didn't manage to ask. Might ask when she's in a better mood with me.

As for foreign passports, I'm not sure as the situation hasn't arisen. Irish banknotes, yes, but not foreign passports. I suppose I'd look for a hologram or somesuch and pray that they didn't print number differently from us.

Oh, and be bloody careful when reading the date off American licenses.
(, Sun 7 Sep 2008, 0:01, closed)
Can't be the best
I've only got a provisional license, and have been refused once or twice.

Their response is along the lines of "It's easier to fake".

It's not worth the effort, I work with plastic cards, and the cost of faking a hologram just isn't worth the money.

I don't agree with people who refuse ID, and are then arseholes about it though.

A friend of mine once was at Wetherspoons (family pub) at 1pm, and didn't have his ID on him, so just ordered a coke. The Bar Manager refused to serve him, and told him he had to leave, even though we were about to order food.

Feckin idiot
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 9:30, closed)
I man/woman after my own heart, have a click!
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 9:47, closed)
"..., you codswalloping fucknugget."

(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 13:31, closed)

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