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This is a question It's not me, it's the drugs talking

They make you do stupid stuff and say stupid stuff. Drugs ROCK! Old-time B3ta person Fraser says, "I remember turning to a flatmate once, after getting stoned and sitting through an episode of Casualty, and proclaiming "Wow! Those actors are *so* talented!". And really meaning it."

What do you regret doing under the influence?

(, Thu 15 Dec 2005, 11:19)
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A number of people but none of them are me
I'm a good boy. I don't take drugs seeing as they are the the bane of the civilised mind. Unless they are really good ones, and then I'll take whatever you have, but only in the interests of science, you understand.

At a house party at uni, a friend of mine had dropped a couple of tabs & had vanished for a couple of hours. We were at a random house in a part of town that was quite rough & the gent in question had been known to vanish & end up in silly scrapes. So in our slightly fucked up state we were looking for him, but only in the hosue to begin with. There was a huge great big queue outside the bathroom & with a lot irate people shouting at whoever was inside to come out. They'd been in there for about 2 hours - but weren't passed out as you could here them talking. It was my mate. We eventually managed him to open the door so people could toilet - but he was really pissy with us as he thought he was nearly in there with a really hot girl. Or the showerhead, as it turned out to be.

In the 'dam in March this year a few of us took a wee weekend away. My friend Mikey had never taken any form of chemical barring alcool into his system. He wouldn't smoke so he was on cakes; now the more experienced of us warned mikey to take it very slowly so he wouldn't get too ruined. Did he listen? Did he buggery. Ended up making snow angels in the pissy, dirty snow. I had to pull him away from paying money & going to spend time with a lady of the night under a blue light (if you don't know what that signifies, go to the 'dam & hand over your 40 euros). His speech was reduced to repeating the word nuts again & again & again. Or talking in snoop talk & ending all words in 'izzle'. Fo' shizzle. No mizzle drugizzle for thizzle manizzle.
(, Fri 16 Dec 2005, 11:06, Reply)

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