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This is a question Stuff I've found

Freddy Woo writes, "My non-prostitute-killing, lorry driving uncle once came home with a wedding cake. Found it in a layby, scoffed the lot over several weeks."

What's the best thing you've found?

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 11:58)
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I was on holiday
In Portugal, and I found a kid wandering around by the side of the road.

There was nobody around, (and, hell, who'd miss a kid with a creepy eye anyway) so I rammed a tyre iron through her skull and shoved her in the boot.

I took her back to the hotel I was staying in, and chopped her into pieces and flushed each one down the toilet.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:38, 14 replies)
You wouldn't like it if someone did that to you

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:40, closed)
You're right.
But they haven't done yet.
Plus I'm the one with the knife :)
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:41, closed)
It's disturbing...
...that having come up with the story concept just how much thought you've given to the method of how you'd do it.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:49, closed)
You obviously
don't know Kaol very well, do you?
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 16:13, closed)
Does this mean
I can post My Eccentricity is that I post answers to QOTW a week late?
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:54, closed)
I would have, if I'd've thought of it!
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:58, closed)
Ta muchly!
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 15:04, closed)
crude and slow clansman...
to dispose of a body properly with no dna trace forget feeding to pigs or woochippers - teeth and bone fragments scattered around like a madmans shite

what you must do is roll the remains in chickenwire while placing heavy weights in the folds. then simply twist the ends like a big bloody christmas cracker then get a surly portugese trawlerman to drop the lot in the atlantic

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:55, closed)
I know spimf, believe me, I know
That's why this story is a Work Of FictionTM.
Sea-creatures are our friends :D
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 14:57, closed)
thats concerning
so whos little blonde haired and manky eyed child did I rape, dismember and eat over the space of a long weekend while in Portugal?
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 15:13, closed)

David and Victoria Beckhams, hopefully
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 15:20, closed)
Good thing no-one's noticed yet. :)
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 17:44, closed)
will never get old

(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 11:45, closed)
I like the
matter-of-fact way you describe it. *click*
(, Sat 8 Nov 2008, 3:18, closed)

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