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This is a question Ginger

Do you have red hair? Do you know someone hit with the ginger stick? Tell us your story.

(, Thu 25 Feb 2010, 12:54)
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Ginger hair is dying out
I'm studying for a degree in genetics, the reason I become interested was because one day my uncle told me that ginger hair was a recessive gene. You need to have 2 copies of it, one from each parent in order to be ginger.

This however is not the reason that ginger hair is dying out. It's because statistically red haired people have less children than those of other hair colours! Recently I've noticed I'm becoming more and more attracted to ginger girls. Jayma Mays hasn't helped, she needs to put on a bit of weight but her eyes.....
Anyway, my genes want to survive!
(, Thu 25 Feb 2010, 22:29, 6 replies)
Me too. . .
I believe my subconscious has made all ginger men attractive to me: Chris Evans, Dash Mihok, the only other ginger kid in school (Jodie)! I have now currently secured a flame haired man, to match my own gingerness. Everyone's of the opinion that we'll probably have blonde Babies - - please tell me this is not going to happen and I'll have some lovely red headed babies someday!
(, Thu 25 Feb 2010, 22:54, closed)
Chris Evans....
bloody hell, you've got it really bad!
If you both have red hair, (proper red, not auburn) then the chances of your child not being ginger is incredibly low. Millions to 1 against. Just make sure you have more than 2 to increase the numbers!
(, Thu 25 Feb 2010, 23:04, closed)
From Mad Men


But then I heard she is not a natural redhead. Then looked at the photo for a while then realised that i don't give a shit.
(, Thu 25 Feb 2010, 23:41, closed)
She's also in Firefly
As a totally hot, slutty bitch (watch it, it's brilliant)
(, Fri 26 Feb 2010, 8:58, closed)
Based on my sample size of one
I'd say that the notion of ginger hair dying out is bullshit.

Because my seed is hella fertile.

That's right. I said 'Hella' like it's 2001.

I am one potent gatling gun of zygotes.
(, Fri 26 Feb 2010, 6:38, closed)
Unfortunately it's true.
It's becoming less common, but it will take generations, but as long as gingers fancy each other it will never go completely.

Also fantastic use of the word(?), Hella.
(, Fri 26 Feb 2010, 10:30, closed)

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