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This is a question Will you go out with me?

"Bloody Kraut, a" asks, "How did you get your current flame to go out with you? If they turned you down, how bad was it?"

Was it all romantic? Or were the beer goggles particularly strong that night?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 17:32)
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Happily ever after
I spent a year in Oz from 09/05 til 08/06, had lots of fun and was actually going to stay out there but had visa issues so came home.I should also mention that on the day I left England to go to Oz my sister went in to labor. I called her from Singapore and she had had a little boy. I wouldn't see him for a year. While I was out there I had 2 strange dreams (bear with me, these are relevant to the story).

The 1st of these dreams was far to real and was the one that made me decide that I couldn't / didn't want to be there. I very close to my dad - he's ace - and in the dream I had a call from my mum saying that he was very ill and I need to get home as soon as possible. I tried to rearrange my flight, got it sorted only to get the call that it was to late and my dad had died. I woke up in tears nad realised that I do not want to be on other side of the world and get a call like that so like I said, I was homeward bound. The 2nd, a little stranger but again VERY relevant, was that I a married a girl from school. It was a bit of an odd dream but the memory of it (including who the girl was) still sticks in my mind now.

Fast forward a couple of months and I make the 2.5hours trip to Melbourne Airport for my flight home. It was a Friday morning - a little drizzly and a bit chilly (twas August). I land in Manchester on Saturday morning, having had little sleep to be greeted by happy, lovely parents :) I was glad to be home.

It must have been around 11am when I got home and was in the pub by 11.30 having a pint with my dad - life was good and he was happy to have his boy back. Mates turned up and they had arranged a gathering that night to welcome me back. A meal was had a beer was drank. After a loooooooong flight and little sleep I was flagging. A couple of little pills sorted out this little problem and I carried on drinking. Bed finally beckoned at around 3am. Come 9.30am I on way to meet my nephew for the 1st time. Again, much beer was drank and food ate. My nephew was cute and parents were happy to have their family complete again. At around 5pm we tootle home. During the course of the day I had a call from an old friend and it was agreed that my parents drop me off at his on the way home. I woke up outside my parents house. After a bit of persuasion (I just wanted to sleep!) I was on my way back to sunny Macclesfield, met my chum and drank beer. AS with the Saturday I was knacked so pills where produced again. We tootled off to town and my mate introduced me to a few people. WE somehow ended up going to Chicago Rock - not my cup of tea but hey ho - and more beer was had and my mates friends joined us there.

More beer was drank, the pills kicked in and all was good. One girl, a pretty little thing was she, proclaimed that I went to school with her? Oh yeah, sez I, and called her by her sisters name. She chuckled and corrected me. We spent the rest of the night ignoring everyone and just chatting away, drinking and enjoying the tingles that you get from consumption of Class A drugs. People left and we went to another bar to meet her friend then held hands as we walked back to my mates house. I had a cigarette at his backdoor, she joined me, we kissed. It was electric. She was a trendy little vixen and I was a skinhead skater - people like us don't tend to get together. I was getting a taxi home, she offered to share as her house was on the way. We woke up together the next morning and have barely spent a night apart since.

We fell in love, madly in love, love like I can't describe. She was in the process of buying a house. We got engaged on Christmas Eve, moved in to the house between Boxing Day and New Year and got a big fat cat. In January we found out we were having a little baby and today is his 1st birthday.

I went to school with my missus, which is were the 2nd dream mentioned earlier has relevance, and hadn't seen her since we left - 14 years ago. We very rarely spoke at school but did kisses once at someones party.

Here we are now - a happy little family, nice house, decent jobs and life is good. We kiss whenever one of us leaves the house, tell each other 'I love you' on a regualr basis and always mean it, snuggle in bed and watch scary films, raise a little fat bouncy boy and we're very happy.

Edit: I had a falling out with the chap I went to see and we only became pals again jsut before I left for Oz. He was my best buddy and still is. It was him that intorduced me to the missus. Cheers Tim!!!
(, Fri 29 Aug 2008, 15:40, 3 replies)

this qotw has made me feel disgustingly soppy
(, Fri 29 Aug 2008, 15:51, closed)
2.5 hour drive to Melbourne?
Where were you staying? If I said "the 'bool", would it have any meaning?
(, Fri 29 Aug 2008, 18:55, closed)
Chicago Rock, the sticky floored, ridiculously overpriced haven in which you are around 400 times more likely to get in a fight than anywhere else.

God I hate that place!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:06, closed)

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