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This is a question Guilty Pleasures

You know, those little things you do when nobody else is around. OK so some of them are rude, but we reckon there are a whole lot more innocent ones out there: my g/f this morning admitted to climbing the stairs on all fours when I wasn't around, and loving it...

(, Thu 7 Apr 2005, 9:11)
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So very wrong
I eat beans with tomato ketchup on them. Everyone calls me weird. I also like a variety of things that shouldn't be eaten on their own, including:
Marmite, butter, ketchup, salt and gravy.
When nobody's around I have pretend sword fights with armies of invisible ninjas, obviously I kick their collective arses every time.
I love to take stuff apart to see how it works. That's why I usually have a set of screwdrivers on me.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 18:25, Reply)
A the name suggests
I like peeling a banana and inserting it into the freezer overnight. It's like a kinky sex toy... except I eat it instead, I'm not that bad.

It wouldn't be a guilty pleasure, but it seems no one else does it, and it is pleasurable.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 17:12, Reply)
i also like to
rearrange things in other peoples rooms. it is confusing to reach for your alarm clock in the morning and to find in under the sink
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 16:46, Reply)
when no one is around
i arrange things in to patterns. my jelly beans must be in perfectly aligned rows before i can consume them. when everyone comes back things are arranged in to shapes all over the house, and i am there with a curiously symmetrical look on my face. i like order!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 16:43, Reply)
i tend to
fellate hotdogs and other elongated food stuffs. it feels like being naughty, but really its just good practice
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 16:41, Reply)
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 16:40, Reply)
Urban biking
I like riding through town on my bike at just the right speed to hold up cars. Slow enough to annoy them, but too fast for them to overtake without speeding or hitting someone coming the other way.

The real fun comes when they finally get past, but have to stop for a red light. I'll go straight through it and the game starts all over again.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 16:35, Reply)
laughing like a loon after farting as loudly as humanly possible without leaving shopping in the trolley.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:28, Reply)
Makeing up
statistics and shocking everyone with them
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:24, Reply)
Coffee Mate and custard paste
I used to eat spoonfulls of Coffee Mate out of the jar. My latest is eating/drinking the paste you make with Birds custard. Yum!

And I could eat marzipan all day.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:38, Reply)


(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:29, Reply)
Getting a stiffy and going out for a walk,
see who notices.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:10, Reply)
Ever since I played splinter cell for the first time a few years ago, Ive become obsessed with being stealthy. I get a kick out of sneaking up on my cats and making them jump like spazzes.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:56, Reply)
if you're stroking a dog
that's lying on a polished floor, like kitchen lino or laminate, get them all relaxed, then spin them round and round.

That's my guilty pleasure.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:51, Reply)
wait till noone's looking and then do cartwheels in the aisles at Tesco.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:41, Reply)
Buying tins of baked beans and putting them in the food collections for poorly cats and dogs.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:31, Reply)
I put the cat in the oven* once
left it there (only a minute) for the old dear to find. Hilarious.
In our house we always pester the cat and dog by putting them in stupid places for no apparent reason. Drawers, cardboard boxes, the washing machine, the microwave, on high shelves, inside the windowed case of a dead PC. The cat gets the brunt of the treatment because the dog's just too damn big.

*not switched on! We're not actually cruel to them, and I sure they get the humour
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 12:54, Reply)
Air guitar......
I don't even have to be tanked up on alcohol to do it. Being tanked up on alcohol makes it more fun though, especially when you're in a nightclub drawing far too much attention to yourself, but then I don't care, don't give a monkeys!
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 12:53, Reply)
being very bad
Telling my girlfriend I love her, how we are to be married and will grow old together.

Then meeting dodgy desperate old women for sordid sex, performing acts that would turn my girlfriend pale.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 12:35, Reply)
When I'm alone
I like to pretend I'm aragorn. I look a teensy bit like him when I grow my beard, and right now I'm listening to the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack pretending to fight orcs.

Also swearing at people in Elvish. Despite this I'm a fairly normal person, with friends and a life, just with an imagination that requires that I sometimes live inside it.

Rating ladies that walk up the college steps on a sliding scale of 1-10. Mainly about 5-6, but some rate very highly, including Frank Zappas niece...rather disappointingly called daniella...she got about a 9, only missing out cos shes a bit bitchy...

Also imagining myself 100 ft tall, striding towards my town, crushing all chavs underneath my mighty feet...with a cloak, and spectral wind and an aura of crackling energy...Everytime a chav calls me a goth or mosher...(long story in our town...) I imagine myself smiting them...

/still normal though...
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 12:06, Reply)
Stabbing nurses

(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 12:02, Reply)
If my cat annoys me
by scrathing me or whatever, i pick him up and spin him round then put him down again, then watch as he swaggers down the hall in dizzy confusion.

I dont do it often, just when he annoys me. Evil i know.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 10:35, Reply)
So many things
My illegal downloads (porn, warez, films, programs, music etc)
Peeing in the shower
Masturbating with others in the house
"accidentally" touching girls' arses in crowds
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 9:46, Reply)
candy sensation
I like to peel the chocolate coating off of candy bars and eat it first. Then I mush up the middle and eat that. Oddly enough, I find myself doing this at work in a most absent-minded fashion. I get funny looks from coworkers. I tell them I'm special and my lil' bus is parked around back.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 8:06, Reply)
Woah I'm gross I don't care hahahaha.
I'm obsessed with cutting my toenails. I do it constantly, not a single nail will grow on my watch! In the winter I also obsess with cutting the rougher parts of my skin. Sure it is gross/doesn't allow for nice pedicures but I MUST. I will admit that I have bit my own toenails in the past. Mmm Mmmmmmmm! Let the record show that I also moisturize them regularly and they are not ugly in general, just messed with.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 5:59, Reply)
Tuna chunks...
...I've hated the stuff for years and I've just started eating it in sandwiches with Heinz salad cream.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 4:10, Reply)
I have some Bjork on my PC
About 30 or 40 songs. Of my own free will. And I like some of it. SOME of it.

I didn't pay for it though.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 3:07, Reply)
Oh, and
downloading music online.

It's not so guilty because of the ethics involved, but because I'm a bit of an audiophile, and it's near-torture to listen to low-quality mp3s through my small speakers.

But I do it because it's free.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 1:49, Reply)
Pleasure, although not guilty
I like to slice jelly beans before consuming them; I don't like them otherwise.
(, Sun 10 Apr 2005, 1:48, Reply)

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