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Catch21 says "I go out of my way to make life hell for my shitty middle-class housemates who go running to the landlord every time I break wind". Weird housemates are the gift that keep on giving - tell us about yours.

(, Thu 26 Feb 2009, 13:28)
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My family (most likely long, sorry )
I still live at home (being 17), but I figured no harm done to tell you about my younger brother. He's a bit of an arse and about 6 months ago he was a total arse. He doesn't read this site and I need to get it off my chest about how much of an arse he actually is.

My younger brother is 16 months younger then I am - at the moment he is 15, but in June he will turn 16 and cause terror to pedestrians and road users alike - but I digress.

For the past couple of years my brother has slowly sinking in with a bad crowd of kids at school. He's been caught doing esky runs (where you go through a caravan park and steal as much grog as you can from people's eskies.), suspended from school three times in one year, suspended twice last year, and it all came to a head when my parents had to bail him out of the county jail last year after he got caught drunk in public, being abusive to police officers and lying to them (he'd been caught drunk before.)

Never before have I seen him so angry. He was a right dickhead at times but this was different, he was absolutely fuming. A couple of nights later my parents tried to talk to him - and he put his fist through the double glazed, fire proof glass of our wood heater, then punched the wall a few times on the way up to his room for good measure - leaving the house looking like it had been the site of a murder. I'm not kidding - there was blood everywhere and holes in the walls with blood splatters on them.

Queue two weeks down the track - he pulls a bit of glass from skin on his thumb which had turned black and necrotic - which promptly (as in within 24 hours) swelled up so large he had to go to A&E with it.

So he spent several days in hospital hating everyone and everything - it turned out he'd sliced through 70% of the tendon in his thumb.

On top of him putting my parents through so much grief they gave him the option of moving out if he was so unhappy - he forgot my mother's birthday. Me, dad and mum's best friend were the only ones who remembered. Mum had had to take my brother up to Geelong for surgery on his hand, my sisters and older brother all forgot.

He came back very sheepish and feeling sorry for himself. He has very limited movement in that thumb now and has had a lot of his freedom limited (ie - not allowed to stay overnight unless there are parents home all night at where he's staying etc), but I don't think I'm going to be able to forgive him for a long time for what he did to my mum.

She was a wreck. Tightlipped, migraines, nervous breakdown all just crashed down on her, she was really ashamed of him. I honestly think that if she'd had a choice she would have put him into foster care because he was just absolutely ruining her. Dad was going through more alcohol then he had in months (he's an alcoholic so this is saying something - instead of putting away 11 cans of midstrength beer a night it was becoming 15-20 cans a night) and so I was pretty much left to cope with everything on my own. I don't begrudge them that because everything has settled down.

But as far as I am concerned - this on top of everything else he has ever done (and there is quite a list believe me), he's a total arsehole and I can't wait to make him see that. Maybe then he'll pull his fucking head in.

Sorry for lack of funnies.
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 3:28, 8 replies)
I hope you manage to get it under control.
I really do.

Next time you see him, tell him that even people he's never met think he's being a cunt.
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 4:11, closed)
a lot of kids at my school
where he was at until last year where they made it clear he wasn't welcome back, thought he was either a legend or an arsehole. The guys mostly thought he was a legend, the girls mostly thought he was an arse.

Visited my dad in hospital today and he'd been giving my mum shit last night and my dad told him he was an arsehole and he walked out swearing and calling him a "fucking cunt" cos my bro doesn't like having people tell him that kind of truth.

But that's better then he's been for the last six months. Just take my word for it.
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 4:31, closed)
Yeh - No Funnies..
...but I hope you manage to sort it all out, I really do.
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 4:31, closed)
shite situation

Sorry to hear about this, Vampy, dear. Hoping it all works out somehow. Sounds like he has problems, in addition to being an utter cunt.
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 8:02, closed)
it's a shit and
he's a cunter. Hopefully he'll pull his head in a bit. There aren't to many victorians on the board so i'm thinking good thoughts for you, and your mum. They are, generally speaking, great and loving people
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 11:27, closed)
You kind of wish he did read b3ta
Then he might realise what he's doing to your family.

Hope he turns it around soon.
(, Sat 28 Feb 2009, 19:39, closed)
sorry but,
your Dad's situation really can't be helping.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2009, 15:05, closed)
it will be hard to find respect for someone who doesn't even respect themselves. Perhaps working on your dad to buck up and take control of himself and his kid might be the way forward. That or you and your mum get the hell out of dodge as it were.

hope it works out though.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 12:42, closed)

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