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This is a question Losing it

Bluehamster tells us: "This morning I found myself filling my mug not a teabag, but with Shreddies." Tell us of the times when you've convinced yourself that you're losing your marbles.

(, Thu 21 Jul 2011, 12:59)
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I might not actually be losing it...
...but I frequently fall victim to the usual things of :

-walking in to a room and forgetting why
-forgetting what I was saying in the middle of a sentence (and occasionally the middle of a word)
-trying to lock a door that's already locked
-forgetting things the instant it happened

and so forth. I also occasionally either forget to take off my glasses when I go to bed (and then wonder what's digging in to the side of my face) or forget to put them on in the morning and then panic slightly because everything is blurry.

I have been convinced, once, that I was properly going mental, but I'll save that for another post....
(, Fri 22 Jul 2011, 16:24, Reply)

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