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Evening thread
Just for Jeff.

Feel free to join in if you're not Jeff though. You don't have to be a massive bender to play.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:37, 127 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
this is all you're getting
I'm off out in 5 minutes
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:38, Reply)
Don't do us any favours.
Are you off somewhere nice? You're going to miss University Challenge.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:40, Reply)
It was Orchestra practise
it was pretty good, but cold
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 21:36, Reply)
am I a massive bender?
I can never decide.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:44, Reply)
It wouldn't surprise me.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:45, Reply)
what indicators are there?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:54, Reply)
Not joining in threads you've asked people to start
Living in Bristol
Supporting Bristol City
Overcompensating by telling everyone how attractive girls find you
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:55, Reply)
I've met his Mrs. Way out of his league.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:58, Reply)
He's a b3tan.
All your missuses are out of your leagues.

It's us lady b3tans who settle.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:59, Reply)
Cheeky sod. Not always true. My missus is lucky to be with me.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:04, Reply)
i dunno,
i'm definitely punching way above my weight with the Ladypig.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:05, Reply)
I haven't met her, obviously
but I imagine you are WRONG.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:08, Reply)
I've not met her either
But I'll bet he is punching well above his height.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:15, Reply)
Not as much as you are punching above your weight sunshine.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:17, Reply)
Are you calling his missus fat?
I heard him, Jeff. Go on, do 'im!
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:18, Reply)
I don't live in or near Bristol.
I don't support a football team.

And chicks dig me. Am I bent or not then?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:01, Reply)
as a nine bob note.
Sorry to be the bearer and all that.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:01, Reply)
Fucking right you are.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:55, Reply)
Ello you.
What are you up to tonight?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:56, Reply)
Oi oi. Quiet night in planning the next stage of the garden & eating cassoulet. Probably will watch some Foyles War and have a glass of wine or 9.
Edit: what about you?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:57, Reply)
Had a really shit day, so I'm planning on chilling.
I got a new follower on twitter over the weekend - a bird with your surname, working in marketing. And it wasn't your missus. Are there more of you?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:01, Reply)
I have a sister. She's a fat miserable selfish cunt.
No idea what she does for a living.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:04, Reply)
so you guys hang out a lot?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:04, Reply)
Not seen her in many years. Thankfully.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:05, Reply)
maybe she has changed?
maybe you should get together, on national TV, Jeremy Kyle?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:06, Reply)
I really don't think so. I have no desire to have anything to do with her.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:08, Reply)
fair enough,
I'm lucky me and brother are firm friends.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:10, Reply)
You're lucky.
My brother's a massive tool.

And he's got himself engaged to a fucking SCOUSER, for god's sake.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:12, Reply)
Ergh. Scousers. Yuk.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:18, Reply)
They're not even on here any more.
Now they're all grown up with jobs and social lives and hot and cold running sex.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:21, Reply)
I don't have anything to do with her or my parents.
Didn't invite them to my wedding and I'm pretty confident they don't know about my daughter.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:21, Reply)
that's not a nice thing to hear Bdog,
but you have to live your life for you, and if they are baggage you don't want, then fair play. I know a couple of people who desperately try to make good with their families and it just causes more anguish.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:24, Reply)
I find my life is considerably improved without them being a part of it.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:25, Reply)
Battered is like Jonathan Hart
From Hart to Hart.

He's self made. In fact, because he has a shed, I would suggest he is better than that Hart fella.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:10, Reply)
Da foist time dey met
it was MOIDAH
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:11, Reply)
My shed is fucking excellent.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:23, Reply)
I don't doubt it.
Did you get the power hooked up?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:25, Reply)
Not yet. Decided I need a more powerful ring main, which legally I have to get someone in to fit.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:26, Reply)
Sorry b3th.
Been on the phone.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:01, Reply)
'sure' you 'have'
I believe you.
Thousands wouldn't.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:02, Reply)
You spastic.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:06, Reply)
So, how was the first day back? Have the shitters annoyed you sufficiently?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:10, Reply)
It was fine.
A few things to sort out, but no surprises.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:12, Reply)
Not even a Kinder?
What a bunch of cheapskates.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:14, Reply)
I am not Jeff. Nor am I a massive bender, nor a mod. these things may be connected, or they may not.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:03, Reply)
What are you doing back here and with did you unfriend me on FB? You miserable cunt.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:05, Reply)
Oh, that's asking for a stepping, right there.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:06, Reply)
I thought you was a modess.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:08, Reply)
Answer my question.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:09, Reply)
That's QUEEN mod to you.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:09, Reply)
Long Live Queen Beth!! Huazzar!
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:10, Reply)
*waves hand regally*

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:11, Reply)

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:11, Reply)
I'm more interested in why
You stopped Battered from being a cyber friend.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:14, Reply)
Maybe you have to be
¬this tall to ride the CQ friend train.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:15, Reply)
What's this all aboUt B3th?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:16, Reply)
I don't know.
I know very little. No-one tells me anything.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:19, Reply)
Are you ignoring me?
Lithium-addled wanker.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:14, Reply)
Have you gone? Hope so.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:23, Reply)
Hello hello,
I am here, how are you? what's going on? did you have a nice day? what are you doing tonight? What do you think about that news eh? Blimey, it's getting cold quick isn't it? must be autumn. Got a busy week coming up? any plans for the weekend?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:04, Reply)
Hello Piggly Wiggly.
I'm fairly shit today. Got a cracking migraine yesterday which lasted into this afternoon. Had a mental busy rush around kind of day, and have finally got to sit down and chill.

And I've had to make an emergency dentist appointment for first thing tomorrow morning, cause I think I've lost a filling : (

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:08, Reply)
Ladypig gets the migraine devil quite a bit, she is partially sighted, and if she has a heavy office day on the computers she spends the evening as a zombie thanks to the brain pain.

Re. Dentist; Polyfilla will do for a bit i'm sure.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:12, Reply)
I don't get 'proper' migraines very much any more.
But yesterday was a doozy. And I know a coiuple of other people who had the same, so I think it may have been something in teh weather.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:13, Reply)
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:21, Reply)
This is entirely more reasonable.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:26, Reply)

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:28, Reply)
So you have a semi-blind Mrs? That figures.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:34, Reply)
got one of them lovely blue badges for the car, it's fucking ace.

If you are wondering, she can see perfectly well, but only about a foot in front of her face, after that, it's all colourful blobs.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:38, Reply)
I want one of those badges, but my epilsy doesn't entitle me to one.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:40, Reply)
I'd have a right eppy if they said that to me.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:43, Reply)
I was shaking with anger, then decided to ignore it and seizure the day.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:45, Reply)
they are the best thing in the world,

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:44, Reply)
The best? Erm not really. Useful but that's about it.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:46, Reply)
well, ok, yes, probably not the best thing ever,
but pretty good.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:26, Reply)
mr b3th is blind in one eye
but he's never asked for a blue badge, in case they decide to take his licence away instead.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:46, Reply)
I now have the Half Man Half Biscuit song
'Blue Badge Abuser' in my head.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:52, Reply)
alright Piggington?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:12, Reply)
pretty good dozerdoo,
how's your evening shaping up? Come dine with me can fuck off.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:15, Reply)
got a plasterer round soon.
And about to wear some new jeans.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:17, Reply)
You'll spend this evening
Wishing the plasterer would decorate your face so it looks like his radio.

With working class jizz.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:20, Reply)
I'm working class.
And it's just to quote the job. He lives on my street. St Paul's Square dontcha know.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:22, Reply)
a plasterer,
in the evening? are you sure?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:22, Reply)
just to quote for a job. Not to work.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:24, Reply)
What do you offer a plasterer in the evening?
Long Island Iced Tea?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:28, Reply)

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:29, Reply)
New jeans to show off his arse by the sound of it.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:29, Reply)
of course

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:34, Reply)
well, i for one think it's nice that the LGBTQ community support eachother.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:36, Reply)

support fist
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:37, Reply)
So who else is up for a Pre Christmas bash in Winchester?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:35, Reply)
i would be,
but i don't really get time off around christmas.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:36, Reply)
One of those days is the day after my birthday
so I would be interested, except that I can't travel further than Bristol without turning to a pillar of salt.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:37, Reply)
Attend or your mod powers will be revoked.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:41, Reply)
I have no fucking mod powers.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:47, Reply)

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:49, Reply)
Depends how pre Christmas.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:42, Reply)
Sat 8th seems to be the preferred date.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:43, Reply)
That is not the day after my birthday.
Therefore I am no longer interested.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:45, Reply)
Sod you then.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:45, Reply)
And you, sunshine.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:46, Reply)
Out of interest...
Why Winchester?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:49, Reply)

Halfway(ish) between London and the west. Really nice place with great pubs. Both Monty and me know it well having both lived there in the past and thought it would be good.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:52, Reply)
Sounds like a fair shout.
I shall check my diary.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:11, Reply)
I'd be more up for a pre-Christmas bash in Oxford
I wouldn't have to shell out for accommodation then, which likely I will be able to ill afford in December. Also I have floor space for people who want to crash. Not much, but some.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:14, Reply)
Oxford lost the vote this time, but would make a good destination for one in the spring, as long as the students weren't there.
I'd like to go drinking in The Eagle & Child in St Giles again.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:17, Reply)
If the bash was on the 15th all the students will have gone
although I was planning to be away that weekend in any case. However I can tell you that Hilary ends 9th March and Trinity doesn't start til 21st April, so any time in that window is likely to be fairly free of students, particularly if it's before Easter weekend as opposed to after.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:22, Reply)
That sounds like a good plan. If you book somewhere to stay for Winchester now it'll be cheap. Good place for Christmas shopping for the laydees

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:23, Reply)
That involves having the money to book somewhere for Winchester now...

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:26, Reply)
i can do crash space as well,
so we should put oxford on the cards. I live right by the train station as well, which is handy for any travel types.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:32, Reply)
Oxford lost the vote, you sab.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:34, Reply)
i know that,
but we are allowed to have another bash, maybe next year.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:35, Reply)
Are there any good hotels in Winchester?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:28, Reply)
What am I? Fucking Tripadvisor?
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:30, Reply)

Of course, if you move it to Oxford, we could all stay at berk towers.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:34, Reply)
Yeah, she's got loads of room.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:36, Reply)
This sub thread is begging
some sort of 'smashing her back doors in' type of comment.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:43, Reply)
I was going to say I'm sure it isn't
but then berk offered to shack up with one of you, so it probably is.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:48, Reply)
I reckon I could get six people in here at a push
one of you would be in with me and one would probably be on top of the piano, though.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:44, Reply)
Stunned would want to be in with you natch.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:45, Reply)
I'm sure he would make an admirable big spoon
however I suspect he's too tall for my futon.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:48, Reply)
I have received a text: 'CQ the quickest re-flounce in history'
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 19:56, Reply)
what's his story then Bdog?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:27, Reply)
He's a lithium-addled flouncing wanker.

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:31, Reply)
did you upset the poor lad?

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:35, Reply)
He asked him a question.
Man, it was fucking BRUTAL.
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:36, Reply)
sometimes i wonder if i can handle the whirlwind that is /OT

(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:45, Reply)
I doubt it.
You should probably just DYAAKY
(, Mon 17 Sep 2012, 20:47, Reply)

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