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When one of my cats was younger and a lot fatter, he came bowling in from the garden with an almighty crash. Looking slightly stunned, he'd arrived into the kitchen having ripped the cat flap from the door and was still wearing it as a cat-tutu. Did I mention he was quite fat?

In honour of Jake, a well loved cat, who died on Wednesday, tell us your pet stories and cheer us up.

(, Fri 8 Jun 2007, 9:15)
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The Duck
Many of you will know that when travelling through the market places of , um, most countries other than Britain, they are a veritable things-that-make-you-go-ahhh fest of ducklings, chicks, ickle bunny rabbits and other assorted baby animals meant to be taken home, fattened up and eaten at a later date. This distresses many of us Brits, and so it was that a group of boys who were also studying abroad came to 'rescue' a duckling from its culinary fate. Of course, 'rescue' is a rather loaded term. Rather they bought it from the market and then realised that they had a duckling to look after. How do you look after a duckling in a dorm room? They kept it for about a week - one guy gave it to another guy who in turn passed it on, and then one guy had the bright idea of giving the duck to his girlfriend...

So the duck arrived at my institution. This was a Thursday night. Did I mention that nearly every week on Friday we'd get kicked out for the weekend so that we could spend the sabbath with local families? Ah. What is Deb who now owns the duck going to do with it?

She phones me:

Deb: Hey Hampster!
Me: Hey Deb...what's up?
Deb: Um, is your boyfriend staying in his place this weekend?
Me: Hold on, I'll just check

*rings boyfriend*

Me: Hey Ben! How're you?
Ben: I'm great, how're you?
Me: Fine, fine...look, um, how would you like to babysit a duck over the weekend?
Ben: A duck...wait, I'm just in the library, *to the others* Hey guys! Straw Poll, who thinks I should take a duck from my girlfriend for the weekend? One...Two...*mumbles* Ok, sure!
Me: Ok, we'll meet you in the main square with the duck and its food and stuff.
Ben: You really do have a duck, don't you...

*ten minutes later*

"I can't believe I'm giving you a duck!"
"I can't believe I said yes! Ooh, it's so cute..." *wanders off happily*

That weekend, He had to barricade the duck in with his matress, then barricade out guys who wanted to come in to kill and eat it. Then the authorities found out about it and charged him rent for the duck. Plus he was infamous for the duck incident forever after.
(, Mon 11 Jun 2007, 10:21, Reply)

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