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This is a question Old stuff I still know

Our Ginger Fuhrer says that he could still code up a simple game idea in Amstrad Basic, while I'm your man if you ever need to rebuild the suspension on an Austin Allegro (1750 Equipe version). This stuff doesn't leave your mind - tell us about obsolete talents you still have.

(, Thu 30 Jun 2011, 17:04)
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I wasted my childhood.
I remember the 80's. But I can't remember how to get infinite lives on Chuckie Egg, how to remove all the baddies on JetPak or how to gain invincibility on Manic Miner.

I can remember how to belay a rope, how to roll a canoe, build a bivouac, read a map, build a go kart, take a penalty, dive from the highest board, do a bunny hop and bowl a cricket ball.

If only I could change things.
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:02, 8 replies)
Internet messageboard
largely populated by people fixated on computers.

In other news, catholic bear spotted in woods.
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:15, closed)
I know, I know
It's why I really hoped this wouldn't be this weeks question but was certain it would be.
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:16, closed)
What we need is more scat fiction.
Which is a sorry state of affairs.
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:53, closed)
*swishes ploppy cape*
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 11:01, closed)
My death will involve having one too many glasses of sherry for my ninetieth and suddenly thinking I can still breakdance.

(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:28, closed)
There are far worse ways to go.

(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:31, closed)
What's the point of removing all baddies in JetPac?
Without them you're just collecting fuel!
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:35, closed)
I think this
only goes to strengthen my point.
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 10:37, closed)

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