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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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That is the biggest most spastic lump of utter fucking shite since Racelswipe last wrote on this board.

(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:18, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
Yeah, those scientists, eh? What do they know?

(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:20, Reply)
I must agree with Mr Badger here.
What a stupid way to eat.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:21, Reply)
What's wrong with smaller portions and no snacks?
And, you know...a bit of exercise? Even a brisk 30 minute stroll every day will make a difference over time.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:22, Reply)
Exercise? Smaller portions, and cut down on snacking?
My God, you'll be advocating limiting the Doners and Curly Wurlies next.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:23, Reply)
Look, I'm not saying it's not radical
But it's worth a try, right?
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:24, Reply)
Well, in the case of what you're trying, absolutely fuck all since they've not done any trials whatsoever
the 5:2 idea is entirely based on conjecture with no evidence to support it.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:22, Reply)
Also, that is almost to the letter a perfect example of a "science" article that contains no fucking science at all
Where is the evidence of peer reviewed published articles? There is only one "scientist" mentioned and no details of how they are qualified, the article starts by talking about fasting then immediately jumps to talking about growth hormone.

Seriously, it couldn't be more wishy washy if it was written by Gillian McKeith in a fucking laundry.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:24, Reply)
Whenever The Sun publishes "scientific" stuff,
it's always "boffins" who come up with the facts. This sounds on a par with that nonsense.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:27, Reply)
Hi Doctor Nick!
Y'know, from that programme.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:29, Reply)
it's not exactly clear cut,
there are some hilarious inconsistencies between studies that should be quite similar. Many of the early studies of mice and primates frequently used to justify this compared calorie restricted animals to animals free to eat as much feed as possible rather than a set higher number of calories, and those feeds were garbage as they assumed calories ar calories whatever is in there.

I wouldn't base my life around something on the bbc website, considering how many other science articles on there are just nonsense
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:29, Reply)
I can certainly benefit from being more aware of what I eat. I'm giving it a go, I shall see what it does for me.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:37, Reply)
I guess you could do it as LARP diet and go to asda once a week wearing only a dirty loin cloth and a spear

(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:43, Reply)
Asda? You pleb
I do my hunter-gathering in Sainsburys.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:49, Reply)
waitrose right here
fuck you
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:54, Reply)
£81 on a week's food shopping this weekend
i live alone.

fuck you.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:55, Reply)
I walk to and from work
so usually pop in for about £15 worth two or three times a week on the way home. Never got the hang of the "weekly shop".

I know someone who does a big cook on a Sunday and a Wednesday their meals for the entire week as that way they can e.g. cook a load of mince and then make chili and bolognese and curry without having a pack of greying meat sitting in the fridge. Way too organised for me though.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2012, 11:58, Reply)

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