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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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most things fuck me right off.
Alt- Father Ted, last night.

Alt alt- in a bit. Prob a sandwich.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:17, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
that's a pretty broad topic right there
what KIND of sandwich?

if i could have a sandwich right now it would be.... a hot baguette with garlic roasted mushrooms, onions and goats cheese, drizzled with pesto.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:23, Reply)
cheese and tomato I think.
I'm on rations at the moment :'(
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:25, Reply)
no offence but that sounds pretty horrific. tomatoes make bread soggy and cheese rank.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:26, Reply)
why what?
Why that sandwich or why on rations?
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:27, Reply)
Because he's a witless spastic

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:28, Reply)
It is entirely reasonable to base an assessment of someone's character on their choice of sandwich.

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:34, Reply)
because he was being entirely serious by that remark and it was no way bassed on other factors; such as being a witless spastic.

You tuna sandwich.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:41, Reply)
I like how I'm making him log out and then in again
just to reply to my comments on his reply despite his wish to ignore me.

It's the kind of thing a witless spastic would do.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:44, Reply)
says the man logging out, commenting and logging back in again.
Is this irony? Please go to Wikipedia and look this up for me.

Thanks bbz.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:47, Reply)
Well, no it isn't irony. But given that you put me on ignore it does indicate a certain amount of you being a massive retard
Also, you're a colossal hypocrite.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:49, Reply)
Hang on
If someone's got you on ignore, you can't reply to their posts, can you? I mean, even if you log out and log back in again?
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:51, Reply)
Yes you can

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:52, Reply)
Board bug
You log out, write your reply, click post, it'll tell you you can't post as guest and ask you to log in, you do so and it posts your message.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:54, Reply)
I missed a trick there. I could have fucked Quentin's posts right up, if he hadn't spectacularly flounced.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:55, Reply)
So tell us b3th, what is the secret mod insider info on Q-bert's flounce?

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:57, Reply)
I have no idea.
I'm not in any secret mod gang, you know.
I'm like the ginger haired stepkid.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:58, Reply)
Couldn't you make up some lies for our entertainment?

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:00, Reply)
it was quentin/bert's last gift to us

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:56, Reply)
Did it turn out that quintin was bert?
I totally called that.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:03, Reply)
not officially
but it's always been a suspicion
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:05, Reply)
There's always a bert suspicion about anyone that joins b3ta.
I'll tell you one thing though - the two accounts had different registration emails. The truth fairy was Lucy something, and Quentin was Dave something.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:08, Reply)
You'd have to have a separate email address to set up a second account.
I suspect that he was neither Lucy nor Dave.
Although I did like the idea that the 'Quentin' account was being used by more than one person.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:14, Reply)
thank you for revealing confidential information about Gary and Louise's active b3ta accounts

(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:17, Reply)
but none of those people worked at his multi-million pound business
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 13:33, Reply)
*writes MUG on his forehead in fountain pen*
M U G, It spells MUG, 'cus you're a Mug, and now everyone will know what you are.... you mug.
(, Fri 7 Sep 2012, 12:53, Reply)

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