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Today is boiling my piss
Customers are being more cunty than usual and my boss is on my back for a report that I've not got the time or inclination to do

How is today treating you?

Pub lies
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:45, 161 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
I'm so busy that I don't expect or intend to finish anything
I'm just going to keep starting new things.

Alt: Serving decent quality food at a price that both covers your costs/overheads and returns a profit is pretentious.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:48, Reply)
Still finding time to be a prick on the internet mind

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:48, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:49, Reply)
Oh you meant you, didn't you?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:50, Reply)
Ahh the old 'having so many things on the go, if anyone asks for anything just say you've been busy with something else'.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:52, Reply)
As long as I can pull something half-started from the mess of paper all over my desk, I should be ok.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:01, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:01, Reply)
I'm having a good day.
Got new bike.
Assembled new bike.
Me and the boss took turns to ride it around all morning,
Ham tomato and lettuce sandwich.
Pint later, then Tour de France and cricket highlights on the telly with something nice for dinner.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:53, Reply)
Alt: a bloke in a pub told me his dad had a snake tattooed from his fingertips all the way up his arm, and had his fingernails removed to tattoo underneath, the end effect being some kind of magnification when they grew back.
He also said if you shake hands like a queer you are a queer, and if so he'd throw you out the window, bum you then throw you back inside. Cool or what?
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:57, Reply)
A tattoo... on the finger nerve endings... fucking hell.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:00, Reply)

Nails Common
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:00, Reply)
It wasn't true though

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:03, Reply)
does that say b u r n or b u m?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:00, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:02, Reply)
bit hypocritical then.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:13, Reply)
probably just a fetish.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:40, Reply)
With regrard to customers and the report
have you ever considered simply doing your job and getting your boss the report he so badly needs
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:55, Reply)
Have you considered taking your face for a shit?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:03, Reply)
I have never understood this insult
Do other people have a face jar that they keep theirs in while shitting
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:08, Reply)
He's implying that you have Ed Zachary syndrome.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:13, Reply)
Reasonably so far.
Got to get home tonight and sort all my kit out again for another weekend of events work, Pearl Jam concert amongst it all though, so all should be good.

Alt: Mine stands up, if yours is lying then it's probably been demolished.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:56, Reply)
Canny so far. Sales team are busy and buzzing, Im all up to date with work and data.
Im organizing a trip to Chester Zoo for the other halfs birthday next month.

alt. Disco Lies.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 13:58, Reply)
You're planning on taking a grown man to a zoo as a birthday treat?
Or is this some gay slang?
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:00, Reply)
The public toilets near the reptile house are a reknowned cottaging spot.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:01, Reply)
^ Gay Level: EXPERT ^

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:07, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:08, Reply)
It's like Christmas.
Festive and always better to give than to receive.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:36, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:42, Reply)
No, we both like animals.
Do one, old man.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:14, Reply)
So it IS a gay thing?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:27, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:29, Reply)
That sounds like a shit zoo, no offence
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:33, Reply)
Don't discriminate. Our Lord and saviour loves all creatures, great and small.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:34, Reply)
Although he made you gay so he can take pleasure in sending you to hell.
He's a bit of a cunt really.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:36, Reply)
I'd sooner be in hell, it's where all the drink, drugs and friends are!

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:47, Reply)

+ sodomy,
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:55, Reply)
northern innit
a couple of goats, a three legged donkey and a whippet painted to look like a zebra
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:36, Reply)
Bloody luxury, etc

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:42, Reply)
No, that's a dog.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:36, Reply)
Shut up Lokesy

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:45, Reply)
You horrid bully

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:48, Reply)
Today's been OK
Got to Kendal for an 8:30 meeting and didn't have any delays on the way back.
Alt:There is a guy in a pub I frequent who has done it better and longer, has owned one bigger and better than you, has two of what you have one of, tried it before you and liked it/didn't like it - depending on your assessment. It's becoming worse and it's a pain to be in his company TBH
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:08, Reply)
who the fuck do you have to meet in Kendal
there aren't any businesses there big enough to warrant going
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:53, Reply)
You shouldn't talk about yourself in the third person like that, and you should also stop going to that pub because, as you've correctly surmised, everyone thinks you're a tedious cunt.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:19, Reply)
S'alright, ashley.
Got a new battery for my 'phone, and a new t-shirt - I'm experimenting with a skinny fit one.

Alt: A guy at a pub I used to go to was nicknamed Sad John, as he was always a little bit sad. I once offered him a cigarette, and he responded "Smoking? The highest charge possible for the slowest form of suicide - yeah - I'll have one of those." While not a lie, I liked it.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:18, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:25, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:26, Reply)
Mrs V is excited; I think I'm going to look like a badly-stuffed sausage.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:36, Reply)
What a prick.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:26, Reply)
Sad John needs to cheer the fuck up, or shuffle off the mortal coil and stop inflicting himself on others.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:30, Reply)
He's actually a lovely bloke, just ... a little bit sad all the time, that's all.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:37, Reply)
Typical attention seeking queer

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:47, Reply)
interesting use of the apostrophe before phone, there
technically correct but makes you sound like you're from the '40s
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:33, Reply)
if the fedora fits

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:35, Reply)
Pretty good so far thanks. Managed to piss my ex off, which always cheers me up. Now playing with Micro & her train set.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:35, Reply)
How did you manage to piss her off?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:43, Reply)
Set fire to her knickers.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:46, Reply)
Adele's follow up lacked the drama of her previous work

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:48, Reply)
Told her she couldn't use my car anymore, demanded the key back & told her she was no longer insured to drive it.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:48, Reply)
That seems reasonable enough

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:50, Reply)
I thought so. Found it quite enjoyable as well.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:51, Reply)
Win win

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:51, Reply)
Oh dear, she's going to have to be looking after herself.
She won't like that.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:11, Reply)
What a shame!

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:25, Reply)
now you need to trade it in for a much much much better car
and then see her face when she realises she can't drive that one either.

and THEN ice that cake by saying, "i bought this with all the money i don't have to spend on your maintenance."

*wanks it out of the park*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:27, Reply)
I'm going to keep it for now. If I get a job with a company car I'll sell it, but I'm not going to spend money upgrading it until I've bought a house - priorities.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:34, Reply)
don't be so practical
you know my suggestion is much more fun.

mmmmm. R8.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:37, Reply)
My landlord has an R8 convertible in a lovely sky blue colour. The V10 one.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:45, Reply)
Is it mumpish of me to be getting pissed off by somebody laughing all the fucking time?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:40, Reply)
Depends if it's an annoying laugh or not. If it's a braying hooray, then it's perfectly acceptable to be pissed off.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:41, Reply)
It's every five minutes and really loud.
It's just the sheer volume of fucking noise.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:42, Reply)
Put some headphones on.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:42, Reply)
Crop dust her.
That'll stop her from being so fucking happy.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:43, Reply)
Finally. Somebody sensible.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:47, Reply)
I cropdusted 4k of Tynemouth on a run last night
I was prairie dogging at the end

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:51, Reply)
I do it all of the time.
They never suspect that it's come from somebody in authority. If, for example, there are two lads being dickheads, crop dusting them just leaves them arguing over who farted rather than causing problems.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:54, Reply)
I don't understand why some people consider running to be an achievement.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:54, Reply)
It isn't
Just a way to keep fit innit
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:55, Reply)
Science has the answer.
Stephen Hawking would be a good person to ask.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:56, Reply)
I dont think he's even disabled TBH
Just a lazy cunt
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:56, Reply)
I swim
But I don't wang on about or make facebooks posts about "yay, I managed to swim x amount of laps"

grumble grumble I'm in a shitty mood soz.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:02, Reply)
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:04, Reply)
As long as they're laughing at inane things or have a really annoying laugh.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:41, Reply)
What do you care?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:46, Reply)
Because I'm right within earshot and the decibel level is unbearable.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:47, Reply)
Punch her in the throat
Laugh in her gasping face, then get a brew in
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:52, Reply)
No, I mean why do you care if it is mumpish or not - it's in keeping with your general demeanor at work.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:52, Reply)
Oh right.
That's a fair point.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:53, Reply)
Block her MAC address from the router

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 14:54, Reply)
POW. Right in the kisser!

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:02, Reply)
Proper harsh treatment time
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:04, Reply)
I have been reading about Unit 731
Is it wrong that I would like know the outcome of some of the experiments
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:00, Reply)
Me too
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:04, Reply)
just the stuff like
"they reattached the amputated arm to the other side of the body" WTF
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:16, Reply)
So it feels like someone else is doing it

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:18, Reply)
A Unit 731 doctor vivisecting a pregnant girl who had his baby after being raped.
Some light reading then.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:20, Reply)
Makes needs two hands anyway joke

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:20, Reply)
On the other hand....

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:39, Reply)
It's wrong that you are touching yourself whilst reading about it.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:12, Reply)
*zips up*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:13, Reply)
Just Googled it.
Jesus Christ.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:18, Reply)
Interesting though right

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:20, Reply)
Hey, Froglet!
Froome is out of the TdF.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:07, Reply)
He needs some fucking stabilisers, that kid

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:13, Reply)
Leave him alone, he's only had the bike a day.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:22, Reply)
Good job he made a big ol hissy fit
To ensure that Wiggins wasn't on the team
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:19, Reply)
Did he really?
Fucking German cunt.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Though Wiggins also appears quite the vagina
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:35, Reply)
Yes indeed
I got the impression though *between the lines* that Froome had a hissy and wiggins responded in kind.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:41, Reply)
Wiggins reminds me too much of Weller

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:42, Reply)
he properly played up on that
Cycle Mod
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:53, Reply)
Or "bellend", as I prefer the term

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 16:01, Reply)
Good job I got that new bike then.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:46, Reply)
I like the 'boiling my piss', phrase, not heard it before. I prescribe cold lager.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:13, Reply)
This will be imbibed this evening watching the football, have no fear Doc

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:15, Reply)
Come on the Dutch.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:19, Reply)
I took an each way on the Germans at the beginning, so have made a few quid.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:20, Reply)
Can't go wrong with the Germans as a bet.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:21, Reply)
Yeah, think they should doit.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:23, Reply)
A friend of a friend put 7-1 on yesterday when Germany were 3-0 up at 66/1

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:34, Reply)
and then his mum had left him a cup of tea

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 16:10, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 16:29, Reply)
Been there, done that.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:21, Reply)
You love reverse Dutch steamboat.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:23, Reply)
Stockholm slip and slide for me I'm afraid, I'm a traditionalist.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:26, Reply)
Good lad.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:23, Reply)
me too
2pm i get an urgent message to call someone on the other side re a settlement that has to be concluded by 4pm. NOT MY MATTER. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT. AND THE CLIENT ISN'T PICKING UP HER PHONE FOR INSTRUCTIONS. ffs.

lunch was nice though. minted goats cheese in tiny cigar like wraps with broad bean mousse and salad, then gnocchi with chant mushrooms and shaved parmesan and asparagus. the rest of them had some rank chunks of meat.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:25, Reply)
That sounds beautiful.
Chunks of meat are fucking fantastic!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:33, Reply)
They really are

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:35, Reply)
the special today was kid
fucking kid.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:37, Reply)
Children can be juicy.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:38, Reply)
Especially when fucked

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:39, Reply)
Whats wrong with that?
No different from lamb or veal
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:39, Reply)
this is a fancy restaurant and it's serving goat.

it's like polenta replacing chips everywhere.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:39, Reply)
Jurassic Goat
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:42, Reply)
West Indian?

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:43, Reply)
classic british

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:45, Reply)
As with most things what was once the preserve of the poor
becomes hip and fashionable, see lobster etc.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:50, Reply)
Oh man I love fucking ki....no wait

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:39, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:40, Reply)
He is quite a good player, but not THAT good

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:40, Reply)
Well, I've had a shit day. Everybody's being a cunt.
On the upside, I bought a macro lens, so I'm FINALLY going to be able to send cock gazzes.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:47, Reply)

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:49, Reply)
Your last one lacked depth of field.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 15:52, Reply)

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