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This is a question Professions I Hate

Broken Arrow says: Bankers, recruitment consultants, politicians. What professions do you hate and why?

(, Thu 27 May 2010, 12:26)
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As of this moment
I have two pheasants in the freezer. I'm wholly behind shooting, as your dinner is more or less as free-range as it gets. Likewise, I can see the appeal of drag hunting - riding horses through the countryside, with a pack od mutts, having a pint and a catch-up afterward - all lovely. It's the whole 'messy and pointless killing of a wild creature' aspect that I struggle with.
(, Fri 28 May 2010, 17:46, 1 reply)
I've found this really interesting
I now live in the country, but my grandfather was always heavily involved in shooting and hunting. I think you're about the CA projecting the issue that it was "townies" who didn't know the countryside ruining things. I'm a firm beleiver in in shooting - but as you say, birds are not just tossed to the hounds after they have been shot.

Your right though, drag hunting is a perfectly viable alterntive, and though this doesn't aleviate the whole "odd cat" being caught up in things, at least the object isn't to watch a cat/fox/animal be torn to shreds. Bullfighting/badger baiting/dog fighting etc, really have no place in the 21st centuary. Spain have their own cross to bare, and given they haave a penchant for chucking goats from churches etc, don't think things will change there. The fact that fox hunting has ben banned should not be reversed because it is barbaric... furhermore because it would only stir up the hunt sabatuer fuckwits who planted traps for the hounds and horses. I remember being appaulled that anyone who claimed to love animals cold set out to maim animals (not to mention people using the fence after) - but I suppose they beleive their course is greater than anything else.
(, Tue 1 Jun 2010, 23:44, closed)

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