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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Secret swearing.
Swearing at people but without them knowing. Because, basically, you're scared. Nothing wrong with that. We all get scared sometimes. Except me. I'm brilliant.
(, Tue 1 Nov 2011, 16:54, 9 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
Fuck off

(, Tue 1 Nov 2011, 22:46, Reply)
Am I doing it right?

(, Tue 1 Nov 2011, 22:46, Reply)
keep practising
I'm sure you'll get there.
(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 5:50, Reply)
Fuck off you tedious cunt

(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 11:56, Reply)
How about now?

(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 11:57, Reply)
Sorry I was slow getting back to you. I was looking at my wrisTWATch which I bought in sCUNThorpe.
I'll make is my toP ISSue now though. That's my best OFFer.
Yes, I can confirm that you are doing it right. CongratuWANKAPIGINYOUREYElations.
(, Wed 2 Nov 2011, 10:45, Reply)
no he isn't.
you really shouldn't just flat-out lie in an effort to offer encouragement.
instead, be honest and tell him what key areas he need to work on.
Just telling him he's right when it is painfully obvious that he isn't will only give him an inflated sense of self-worth.
(, Thu 3 Nov 2011, 1:51, Reply)
Dear God
Does anyone actually rely on the internet for their sense of self-worth? How hilariously pathetic
(, Thu 3 Nov 2011, 2:51, Reply)
I know, right?

(, Thu 3 Nov 2011, 5:29, Reply)

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