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This is a question Terrible food

Back when I was a student, we had a "clear out the fridge" party. Everyone brought what they had left and the idea was to make a big meal out of it.

The stew/casserole/whatever was going surprisingly well until someone added the tin of mackerel in tomato sauce they'd been hoarding all year.

What's the worst thing you've ever cooked or eaten? Who's the worst cook you've encountered?

[and yes, we've asked this before, but way, way back before we had the fancy QOTW pages]

(, Thu 17 May 2007, 10:23)
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Expiry Dates??
Not quite eaten, only because none of us had the balls to do it....

My Step-Father still owns his former bachelor pad in East London, which he rents out to unsuspecting 'art' types for shedloads.. anyhew..

So a few years ago, we needed to generally redecorate and put in a new kitchen before it could be let out. Having been the scene for many drunken parties (so he tells me) the kitchen was a little worse for wear - but nothing a good clean wouldn't fix. So we start emptying the cupboards and dumping everything in the bin.

Out of Date powder mixes (expired 1989). Check!
Solid blocks of gravy granules (ohh 1992 vintage I'd say). Check!
Bottle of Brown Sauce, now a greeny-black colour. Check!
A jar of what used to be marmalade, but has now evolved into something black with rudimentary intelligence... Check!

And several tins only marked with dubious expiry dates. Only without any labels or clue as to what they contain. Being curious we carefully opened some of them to find catfood, canned peaches, something meat-like and mushey peas.

Simply combine all these ingredients in a black bag, allow to slowly warm in the sun and the smell... let's just say I was praying to every God there is that the bag didn't split when it was thrown into the communal bin.
(, Thu 17 May 2007, 21:31, Reply)

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