b3ta.com challenge: change-a-letter books
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This is a challengeChange-a-letter books (This challenge is now closed)

change-a-letter books

It's a wordplay challenge this week. Make a single-letter typo to a famous book title and see what damage it does.

(, Sat 3 Feb 2024, 15:12)
Pages: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face.

(, Tue 6 Feb, 22:26, More)
Click for bigger (98 kb)
(, Tue 6 Feb, 22:18, More)
# Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

(, Tue 6 Feb, 22:16, More)
# Sorry...
...I added a letter!
(, Tue 6 Feb, 21:40, More)
# Richard Parker
(, Tue 6 Feb, 20:55, More)
# big dot

(, Tue 6 Feb, 20:23, More)

(, Tue 6 Feb, 19:57, More)

(, Tue 6 Feb, 17:34, More)
# Another in the essential Lime trilogy
Click for bigger (329 kb)
(, Tue 6 Feb, 15:36, More)
# hmmmmm

(, Tue 6 Feb, 15:33, More)
# By Truman CTRL B, eh readers?

(, Tue 6 Feb, 13:36, More)
# Why? Because 'The Diarrhea Van Frank' wouldn't work for the compo.

(, Tue 6 Feb, 13:29, More)
Click for bigger (485 kb)
(, Tue 6 Feb, 13:12, More)
# WOO!

(, Tue 6 Feb, 12:41, More)
# The Art of Wad

(, Tue 6 Feb, 12:27, More)
Click for bigger (866 kb)
(, Tue 6 Feb, 12:13, More)

(, Tue 6 Feb, 11:43, More)
# Even the gnomes are impressed

(, Tue 6 Feb, 11:40, More)

(, Tue 6 Feb, 4:23, More)
Click for bigger (559 kb)
(, Tue 6 Feb, 0:40, More)
Pages: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)