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» Feb 2006 «

The Next Oxford Bash! A Bash To End All Bashes!

The much awaited next Oxford bash has finally been decided on!

We shall meet in The Goose at Glouscester Green at 5pm on the 4th February 2006 and go from there.....Probably to the infamous Chequers of the last bash...

Frolics, beer, rude words and norks are guaranteed!

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(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:03, Reply)

I'M IN!!! No I'm not.

/Now moving to Manc that weekend
(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:05, Reply)

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 17:13, Reply)
And why not

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:06, Reply)
Fuck it.

I'm coming.

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:08, Reply)
I'll do my best to come to this one..

can anyone offer accommodation? sex in gratitude optional...

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:18, Reply)

(, Sat 29 Oct 2005, 14:11, Reply)

Although I also offer booze.

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 20:57, Reply)
as well as sex?

(, Thu 3 Nov 2005, 9:56, Reply)
Posssibly as an incentive for that as well.

(, Sun 6 Nov 2005, 23:49, Reply)

no-one's offered me accommodation yet...

(, Wed 16 Nov 2005, 17:48, Reply)
*clears throat*

*raises hand*

(, Thu 17 Nov 2005, 11:05, Reply)

now all I need is a way to get there...

(, Sat 19 Nov 2005, 17:41, Reply)
Go on teh train?

If you can get to Bury St Edmunds(piece of piss from Embra, down the mainline to Peterborough, then change for Bury) then I can drive you the rest of the way.

(, Sat 24 Dec 2005, 16:24, Reply)
ahh but that costs more money than I have

(, Sun 1 Jan 2006, 19:20, Reply)

If there's beer and rude words.

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:28, Reply)
Many many rude words

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:32, Reply)

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:35, Reply)

Yes No

My cousin has decided to get married on the same day. Why I outta *shakes fist*
(, Fri 13 Jan 2006, 9:43, Reply)

Demand that he change this and ask him 'How selfish can you be?'.

(, Fri 13 Jan 2006, 13:19, Reply)
Ooh, yes.

I will see if I can get the day off work.

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 13:44, Reply)

I shall try not to get into any fights with pissed up old Scottish men......AGAIN!

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 15:53, Reply)
Fuck fucking fuck fuckety fucking yes!

(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 15:53, Reply)


(, Fri 28 Oct 2005, 16:37, Reply)

On the strength of the last two - I am there :)

(, Sat 29 Oct 2005, 11:33, Reply)

Does the goose ask for ID at the door?

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 16:43, Reply)
No but the Drake

may pester you for cigarettes

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 17:26, Reply)
what happens if I don't smoke?

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 23:17, Reply)
It'll make you buy some

and then take them off you and say "Put it on my bill"

(, Wed 2 Nov 2005, 19:02, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Nov 2005, 14:46, Reply)
Leave those alone

(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 18:36, Reply)

Not at that time of the afternoon, although later on they are quite strict about it

(, Mon 31 Oct 2005, 10:06, Reply)
Do what my lads have always done

Buy the right size Letraset and doctor your student ID card :) Never failed yet!

(, Wed 16 Nov 2005, 12:11, Reply)
I'm not a student

(, Sat 19 Nov 2005, 21:22, Reply)
Enroll somewhere now then.

(, Fri 16 Dec 2005, 16:29, Reply)
*signs up like a council house scrounger to a 400-channel satellite TV service*

(, Sun 30 Oct 2005, 22:07, Reply)
*stabs your eyes*

(, Mon 31 Oct 2005, 10:06, Reply)
We'll come


Well hopefully depending on when he is working :)

(, Mon 31 Oct 2005, 10:05, Reply)
I'm a possible ;)

I'll have to see what teh new year brings

(, Wed 2 Nov 2005, 16:40, Reply)

(, Thu 3 Nov 2005, 9:50, Reply)
can i still join in?

i love you cunts

(, Tue 8 Nov 2005, 22:22, Reply)
Only if you touch my bum:)

(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 11:17, Reply)

I shall see you there kind sir :)

(, Thu 10 Nov 2005, 11:20, Reply)
Ach, why the hell not...

(, Thu 10 Nov 2005, 15:54, Reply)
There'll be norks aplenty!

and not just mine

(, Fri 11 Nov 2005, 9:52, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Nov 2005, 10:47, Reply)


(, Tue 15 Nov 2005, 13:53, Reply)
Room for an old cunt?

I have three seats spare in my beige Austin Allegro in showroom condition with 500 miles on the clock, if anyone from Cambridge wants a lift. I only go 20MPH so we will have to leave early and have to back at the home for tea and bingo.

Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaaaa what have you let yourself in for!?

(, Tue 15 Nov 2005, 14:11, Reply)

You are very welcome sir!
I suspect HMSK wouldnt say no to a lift from oer your way

(, Tue 15 Nov 2005, 14:45, Reply)
We'll probably only have two seats spare

Don't forget I'll be drugging Vintage and forcing him to come as well, we'll need someone to lean on and change our incontinence bags. HMSK is very welcome if she can stand the smell of wee and biscuits. Oh and remember to bring the Cliff Richards cassette this time.

(, Wed 16 Nov 2005, 12:07, Reply)
i have booked the time off work

now just to find a place to crash...

(, Thu 17 Nov 2005, 14:07, Reply)
Why the fuck not.

I can always say yes, and not turn up.

(, Fri 18 Nov 2005, 19:55, Reply)
Thats the attitude:)

(, Sat 19 Nov 2005, 17:34, Reply)
If I'm not in Prague

I shall come.

/edit: Lack of wonga means I can't make it. No-one cares anyway, but just for those who might be interested...

(, Sat 19 Nov 2005, 17:43, Reply)
I've put my name down!

Don't no why as it's nowhere near my house and I've never met anyone from this board.

(, Sun 20 Nov 2005, 8:54, Reply)
That image is fantastic.

(, Sun 20 Nov 2005, 13:40, Reply)
Why yes, Foldsfive has done us proud!

(, Mon 21 Nov 2005, 10:03, Reply)
It persuaded me.

(, Mon 21 Nov 2005, 10:18, Reply)
the power of folds five has convinced me

(, Mon 21 Nov 2005, 10:56, Reply)
Time for me to travel an unfeasibly silly distance

for the sake of getting ratted once again.


(, Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:25, Reply)

Good chap!

(, Sun 27 Nov 2005, 20:12, Reply)
i'll have a think about this one..

(, Wed 30 Nov 2005, 21:09, Reply)
anyone got a floor i can kip on?

edit: nevermind i'll put my name down, turn up, and hope for the best

(, Mon 5 Dec 2005, 23:16, Reply)
Im afraid the house of mike is fully booked right now old bean

(, Thu 8 Dec 2005, 8:22, Reply)
I may be able to go.

/depends on transport and monies

(, Sun 4 Dec 2005, 18:14, Reply)
if i am going

then come with me. I *think* I am going to have another female b3tan passenger, or we may end up as her passengers..

(, Fri 20 Jan 2006, 2:31, Reply)
I promised I'd go to the next one.

Accommodation will be required, I'm probably going to be very poor after the Christmas bash and all.

(, Wed 14 Dec 2005, 16:55, Reply)
Never fear

Theres always wanking sailors for pennies:)

(, Thu 15 Dec 2005, 10:46, Reply)
11p, in fact.

(, Sat 17 Dec 2005, 0:12, Reply)
I'm thinking maybe I ought to treat myself to this

what with it being MY BIRTHDAY THAT DAY!! and everyfin'

(, Sun 18 Dec 2005, 16:51, Reply)
Its the whole reason i set it for this day

To honour you:p

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 8:29, Reply)
This will be my first bash.

Rape me gently please.

EDIT: Lifts possiby available in my luxuary motor vehicle from South West London. Ask nicely here. I am looking for a nice young female B3tan to offer me her bed, otherwise I'm looking for reccomendations of cheap hotels/ditches.

(, Sun 18 Dec 2005, 22:56, Reply)
It will also be mine.


(, Sun 18 Dec 2005, 23:26, Reply)
ah, i know a few b&bs

Ask away

(, Mon 19 Dec 2005, 11:54, Reply)

b & bs
Old ladies who'll take out their teeth and suck you off for a fiver
(, Sat 24 Dec 2005, 15:54, Reply)
Should be fun

I may make an appearance.

(, Tue 20 Dec 2005, 16:29, Reply)
I shall be attending

and I expect to have at least as much fun as the last one, which was ridiculous amounts.

(, Thu 22 Dec 2005, 20:05, Reply)
I will inject it with 42% more fun this time around

(, Fri 23 Dec 2005, 13:48, Reply)
If anybody from the West Suffolk/north Essex...

...type area is going give either me or WW a shout..we may be able to provide liftage.

4rthurs to Badger of Love or Wiccabasket please.

(, Sat 24 Dec 2005, 15:53, Reply)

1. NEVER bend down in front of Mykey.
2. Do not strooke Malchick, it only encourages him.
3. NEVER accept a drink from the Bennies
4. DO NOT try to drink a piny quicker than Mr Sanity.
5. Nork honking is acceptable but ask the owners first.
6. NEVER address DJRich as 'big fella'


(, Sat 24 Dec 2005, 16:29, Reply)

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 15:29, Reply)
I'm glad there's no warnings about me there ;)

(, Wed 11 Jan 2006, 14:36, Reply)

then again, I suppose I may have been forgotten round this neck of the interwebnet...

(, Mon 30 Jan 2006, 8:34, Reply)
what a brilliant bash pic!

60+ people? christ

(, Sat 31 Dec 2005, 17:53, Reply)
All foldsfives work:)

(, Wed 4 Jan 2006, 11:02, Reply)
Hotel booked.

I have the last single room at the Eurobar, looks a bit dodgy (shared bathroom) but very cheap, stumble distance from pub and breakfast included. Hurrah!

Edit: No longer able to come, so the hotel has been cancelled. If anybody fancies the room look up the Eurobar on activehotels.com

(, Wed 4 Jan 2006, 15:27, Reply)
Its also a rather good pub:)

(, Wed 4 Jan 2006, 17:21, Reply)
Unless Hoohah is prepared to go halves on that room,

do you have any other suggestions along the same sort of lines, or am I going to have to make some effort myself?

(, Wed 4 Jan 2006, 18:49, Reply)
I suggest the westgate hotel on the botley road

its right next to the station and a couple of b3tans are already booked in there...

(, Thu 5 Jan 2006, 10:19, Reply)
Me, trev and jen and syzygy are all there.

(, Sat 7 Jan 2006, 15:30, Reply)
And lonewolf now

(, Sun 8 Jan 2006, 16:15, Reply)
Gaz and I are for the Hostel across the road.

(, Wed 11 Jan 2006, 20:02, Reply)

(, Fri 13 Jan 2006, 13:12, Reply)
how close is this pub to the station?

(, Thu 5 Jan 2006, 14:26, Reply)
Rather close

Five minutes walk

(, Thu 5 Jan 2006, 17:59, Reply)
I'd have to get about 3 trains to get there. It will cost a fortune, so I doubt I shall be able to go.

(, Fri 13 Jan 2006, 12:18, Reply)
anyone need transport down on the Saturday

(and back on the Sunday) from anywhere between Edinburgh and Oxford? I should have two seats free and I'm trying to split the petrol costs as much as possible...

(, Wed 11 Jan 2006, 14:37, Reply)
I live in Kettering, Northants. If that counts*

*I am crap at Geography

(, Fri 13 Jan 2006, 12:16, Reply)
I have no idea where that is

if it's on the way, no problem. I'll be coming down the M6/M40

(, Fri 13 Jan 2006, 13:19, Reply)
feck knows. It's fairly close to Milton Keynes if that helps :|

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 11:43, Reply)

I've always fancied going to a bash, but they're always too far away. That would've made it accesible, as you're going my way. But I have my daughter that weekend. ah well

/edit do you still have space?

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 16:00, Reply)
yes, still have space

where are you?

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 16:46, Reply)

Could meet you in gretna if i went.

I shall look into my parents babysitting availability.....

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 21:01, Reply)
my MSN's in my profile

best to talk there about it. I'm likely to be going M8-M74-M6

(, Mon 16 Jan 2006, 17:40, Reply)
i'm not going to be able to make this now


have fun

(, Sun 22 Jan 2006, 15:04, Reply)
Anyone driving up from london who has space?

I'll provide entertainment, narcotics and a bumming with tartar sauce? Email me on Kid_Blunder and the hotty dot uk. Otherwise I may have to cycle on my lowrider and that could take some time....possibly 4 years.

(, Sun 22 Jan 2006, 16:45, Reply)
if i get paid, i shall be there

although i will need to beg for floor space (unless my mate at brookes can put me up for the night)

(, Sun 22 Jan 2006, 21:43, Reply)

(, Mon 23 Jan 2006, 11:54, Reply)
Oh go on then.

But you all have to buy me drinks.

Standard charges apply to any nork flashage.

(, Mon 30 Jan 2006, 17:27, Reply)
I'm out =(

Because my friend is a cunt... and now I can't afford a hotel on my own.

Have fun people!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2006, 14:39, Reply)

arsing cockbadgers. some theiving cnut broke into my car last night, b0rking a window in the process. if I can get another window by saturday, I'll be there with batsgirl. if not, we send our apologies and bummings.

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:30, Reply)
first time at a bash....

.....should I be nervous and hope for backup from gatecrashing OSF members (tis tradition, we're in the cheeky guide to Oxford for it now!)

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 15:20, Reply)
does anyone have a spare floor i could sleep on?

i can sleep on plain old carpet, i don't fart much, and i almost never bum my host

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 16:20, Reply)
I do

but im a first year Brookes student, so its a bus ride/1.5 mile walk from the city centre. However we do have a nice selection of comfy chairs in our kitchen that youre more than welcome to pass out on. MSN/email is in my profile.

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 21:03, Reply)

thank yooo! i'd like very much to take you up on this offer :)

(, Fri 3 Feb 2006, 9:23, Reply)

Just realised I could make this... any floor / bed / cupboard / box / shelf space available?

Also, if there is space, lift available from somerset / bristol tomorrow (sat) afternoon!

(, Fri 3 Feb 2006, 12:28, Reply)
soz mykeyboy and foldsfive

we'll aim at the next one instead

(, Sat 4 Feb 2006, 0:21, Reply)

car wouldn't start

(, Sat 4 Feb 2006, 17:41, Reply)

» Feb 2006 «